September 2017: Council

The following provides a brief summary of the recent Council meeting on September 28. The complete Council package, which includes the agenda and reports, can be accessed online. Full minutes of the September Council meeting will be available in the October 2017 Council package.

This summary is provided to increase transparency, and to support Councillors in completing their obligations under Bylaw 2.3.5; “shall regularly communicate with his or her constituents concerning the activities, programs, and decisions of the Society”.

If you have any questions, please contact our office or the Speaker.

You may jump to the relevant section:


  • Members are invited to join the Feminist Collective, which will meet on a bi-weekly basis to foster a sense of feminist community among grad students across the university. The first meeting is planned for October 17; further details will be shared as they become available.
    For information, please contact Alex ( and/or Dayna (
  • Congratulation to our successful Executive candidates: Vanessa Lilly (VP Advocacy), Laura Cabral (VP Finance), and Madison Bettle (VP Student Services).


Upcoming dates of importance

  • October 2-6: Wellness Week
  • October 5: PSAC 610 Negotiations Open House (6:30pm; IGAB Atrium)
  • November 13: Open House Reveal of the Access Lab in Weldon

Motion decisions

Reminder: Motions generally include several clauses providing the background or justification of a motion followed by one or several resolutions. The resolutions are the specific actions being proposed. For brevity, resolutions use the initialisms BIRT (be it resolved that) and BIFRT (be it further resolved that).


Unfinished business

Motion 1 (Executive)


BIRT the Council year align with the calendar year.


Motion 2 (Executive)


BIRT departments have up to two months of Council counted as full attendance regardless of actual attendance so long as their department has sent at least one Councillor to one full meeting over the course of the year.
BIFRT departmental grants be based on each department’s nine most completely attended Council meetings.



Motion 3 (Executive)


BIRT the SOGS Executive and Staff investigate the possibility of collecting Councillor nomination and proxy forms online.
BIFRT the SOGS Executive report back on this investigation by November Council.


Motion 4 (Executive)


BIRT an ad hoc committee be struck to review Council package and reporting processes as per the terms provided below.

Chair: Speaker
Membership: At least: one executive member, one staff member, the Accessibility Commissioner, and two members at large
Mandate: Review the Council package and reporting processes, including but not limited to topics such as: providing an Executive summary, providing a Council summary, publishing minutes, and changing the package format. Emphasis is to be placed on accessibility and member feedback.

BIFRT $200 be allocated from line 52 –Executive Events and Organizing to support this committee in their efforts to solicit input from Councillors and our wider membership


Motion 5 (Pride Commissioner)


Whereas the budget item for the Pride Parade under the Pride Commissioner’s budget was not exhausted for this year’s parade event;
Whereas the line item expresses a commitment to supporting LGBTQIA+ initiatives, campaigns and events;
BIRT SOGS donate the remainder of the funds from this year’s Pride Parade line item of $200 to the Western International Week LGBTQIA+ Visibility Campaign and Event.


Motions arising from the President/Executive

Motion 6 (Executive)


Whereas SOGS Council voted at August Council to solicit feedback from their departments regarding whether to go to Referendum for the creation of a Wellness Centre Fee (presented by Associate VP Planning, Budgeting, & IT) Ruban Chelladurai;
Whereas the University and the students (graduates, undergraduates, and the affiliated university college students) strike an equal partnership in financing the Wellness Centre (i.e. $10 million each for the construction cost and 50% of the estimated incremental operating costs);
Whereas the students’ $10 million contribution could be achieved through a fee (approved by referendum) that lasts 10 years;
BIRT SOGS support a university-wise Referendum on the following question: “Do you support the creation of a $36 fee per student, increased by 2% each year for inflation, up to $43 per student by year 10, for the creation of the Western Wellness Centre in Thames Hall?”


Motions arising from Other Committees

Motion 7 (Grad Club Committee)


Whereas the Grad Club Subsidy was implemented with the mandate of making capital improvements to the Grad Club;
Whereas in coming fiscal years the Grad Club Subsidy will be accessible in the budget for the Grad Club;
BIRT the Grad Club Committee be given access to the $18,237.91 from the 2016-2017 Grad Club Subsidy for estimates and renovations under the supervision of the VP Finance and presenting to Council at every meeting the progress of construction and spending.


Tabled motions


New business

Motion 8 (VP Student Services)


BIRT the Executive write a letter to Ruban Chelladurai (Associate VP Planning, Budgeting, & IT) explaining SOGS’ opposition to the referendum for the Wellness Centre and ask him to forward it to the Board of Governors.

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