Thriving in Graduate School (Wellness)

SOGS and SGPS (School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies) have worked together to amalgamate all the relevant resources for graduate students in a single place: the Thriving in Graduate School hub.

Graduate School is often described as a balancing act. With all your responsibilities in graduate school, it often feels as though there is no time left to look after yourself. It is therefore important to remember that no graduate student is an island, and no graduate degree is achieved without the advice of your colleagues, supervisor, and support services.

Through the program Living Well @Western, SGPS offers the services of a Wellness Coordinator. Contact Adam Craig (X85562) to attend one of your department meetings, graduate classes, graduate association events and he will come to you and run a short (10-20 minute) well activity customized to your needs for a group of three or more staff, faculty, graduate students and/or postdocs.

For more information about Living Well @ Western:

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