This report summarizes highlights from the Western Senate meeting on September 17, 2021. The agenda in full can be accessed online.
- Congratulations to our five PhD candidates named Vanier Canada Graduate Scholars: Elmond Bandauko (Geography & Environment); Lorna Ferguson (Sociology); Olivia Ghosh-Swaby (Neuroscience); Samir Hamadache (Biochemistry); and Peter Zeng (Schulich MD/PhD program).
Program Updates
- Ivey presented an updated Ivey Business School Council Constitution to Senate for approval. Student participation is one element of the Constitution.
- SGPS proposed a Primary Healthcare Nurse Practitioner Graduate Diploma (GDIP).
- A proposal to formalize a Lecturer observership on Senate was passed.
- New resources on land acknowledgements are expected to be posted to the Indigenous Services website within a month
- Conversations are ongoing about which actions to address gender-based and sexual violence are preferable/feasible/legal
- Preliminary support exists for mandatory training
- Acknowledge that hiring special constables is contested; emphasis on hiring women-identifying and POC staff
- Adding blue lights on campus
- Foot Patrol has returned to service, may have golf carts to expand their services
- Have hired emergency trauma counsellors
- Police are on campus to do an independent investigation
- Some possibility of an external review
- The Convocation Board has decided to move Convocations online this Fall
- Three filmings taking place to broadcast
- SCAPA (Sub-Committee on Academic Policy and Awards) is expected to discuss delaying the add/drop deadline for undergraduate courses