April 2017: Council Summary

The following provides a brief summary of the recent Council meeting on April 27. The complete Council package, which includes the agenda and reports, can be accessed online. Full minutes of the April Council meeting will be available in the May 2017 Council package.

This summary is provided to increase transparency, and to support Councillors in completing their obligations under Bylaw 2.3.5; “shall regularly communicate with his or her constituents concerning the activities, programs, and decisions of the Society”.

If you have any questions, please contact our office or the Speaker.

You may jump to the relevant section:


  • Congratulations to our incoming Executive officers, Jina Kum (VP Academic) and George Ramos (VP Finance).
  • We had a record breaking 1591 GSTA Awards nominations received this year. Many thanks to all the TAs across campus for the amazing work they complete and to our GSTA Awards Committee for their work in reviewing these nominations.
  • We continue to seek a volunteer from Engineering to sit on the Graduate Education Council, and another general member to sit on the Smoking Advisory Committee. Please contact speaker@sogs.ca if you are interested to nominate yourself.

Upcoming dates of importance

  • Available now: Paper bus passes are available in the SOGS Office.
  • May 3: PSAC 610 Annual General Meeting and Elections
  • May 17: Our monthly Boardgame Night at the Grad Club

Motion decisions

Reminder: Motions generally include several clauses providing the background or justification of a motion followed by one or several resolutions. The resolutions are the specific actions being proposed. For brevity, resolutions use the initialisms BIRT (be it resolved that) and BIFRT (be it further resolved that).


Motions arising from the President/Executive

Motion 1 (VP Finance)


BIRT that $3119 of the 2015-16 surplus be reallocated for additional SOGS financial assistance
awards to be distributed to members in need by August 31, 2017.


Motions arising from Other Committees

Motions 2-9 (Committees)


A number of votes to approve Committee chair honoraria.


Motion 10 (CFS Review Committee)


Whereas the ad hoc committee feels more time is needed to properly make a recommendation and
accurately access the value of the Canadian Federation of Student (CFS) to SOGS members,
Whereas we wish to make sure that all recommendations are made in compliance with CFS bylaws,
BIRT the full committee report be completed and presented to SOGS council within 12 months.


Motion 11 (BCC from VP Student Services)


BIRT Bylaw be altered to read “shall coordinate with representatives from each Graduate
Association/Department for Orientation and social events throughout the year”
BIFRT Bylaw be altered to read “shall offer, organize, and run athletic or non-alcohol
focused events.”
The BCC recommends adoption of this motion.


Motion 12 (BCC from VP Finance)


Whereas the SOGS Constitution stipulate that SOGS Vice-Presidents may not vote in SOGS
Whereas SOGS Vice-Presidents work to ensure the effective operations, continual improvement,
sustainability, and overall welfare of the Society;
Whereas their work would enable SOGS Vice-Presidents to vote in council in a exceptionally well informed and beneficial manner;
Whereas election by SOGS councilors, who represent SOGS members from all the departments
and faculties covered by the Society, gives SOGS Vice-Presidents mandates that are sufficient in
scope to empower them to vote in council;
BIRT the prefix “non” be struck from Article of the Constitution.
BIFRT “Non-voting” be struck from Bylaw
The BCC recommends adoption of this motion.


Motion 13 (BCC from VP Finance)


Whereas the SOGS bylaws stipulate that SOGS Vice-Presidents may not vote in committees
where they sit as ex-officio members;
Whereas their work would enable SOGS Vice-Presidents to vote in committees in a exceptionally
well-informed and beneficial manner;
BIRT the prefix “non” be deleted from Bylaw
BIFRT the following be added as “Notwithstanding the above, the Speaker shall be a
non-voting member of any committees for which they are Official Liaison.”
The BCC recommends against adoption of this motion


Tabled motions

Motion 14 (VP Student Services from March 2017)


Whereas the 2016-2017 Graduate Orientation Handbook earned a surplus of roughly $3000;
Whereas the Handbook will continue to earn a surplus in future years;
BIRT the Handbook surplus from 2016-2017 remain separate from the SOGS surplus;
BIFRT the VP Student Services, who oversees the Handbook, work in partnership with the OSC to
oversee the spending of this money in relation to Graduate Student Life projects.
BIFRT this project be reviewed by Council at the November 2017 meeting to debate continuation of the project.

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