SOGS Statement Regarding Harassment During the 2020 Presidential By-Election
Dear SOGS members,
SOGS’ Statement Regarding Anti-Black Racism
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SOGS mourns the loss of graduate student members on Flight PS752
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We The Students – Student Choice Initiative
On January 17, 2019, Merrilee Fullerton, Ontario Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities, announced a series of proposed changes to OSAP funding, university tuition fees, and student ancillary fees.
This announcement included:
- A guaranteed 4 per cent cut in institutional funding;
- A reduction in non-repayable grants and an increase in student loans;
- An attack on students’ unions ability to represent and service their members;
- The elimination of the 6-month grace period for loan repayment.
News coverage:
- The Toronto Star, “Free-tuition program is gone, tuition reduced and student fees are no longer mandatory, Ford government announces“, January 17, 2019
- CityNews, “Ford government eliminates free tuition for low-income students“, January 17, 2019
- CBC News, “Ontario PCs to eliminate free tuition for low-income students“, January 17, 2019
- MacLean’s, “Ford government eliminates free tuition for low-income students“, January 17, 2019
- Press Progress,”Doug Ford’s New Tuition Rules are Going to Leave Struggling Ontario Students Poorer, Experts Agree“,January 18, 2019
- Globe and Mail, “Doug Ford Defends Cutting Mandatory Student-Union Fees“, February 11th, 2019
- Vice, “What Ontario’s “Crazy Marxist” Student Associations Actually Cover“, February 12, 2019
Students’ unions serve students in a number of significant ways, including:
- Coordinating health and dental insurance plans;
- Providing transit passes for students;
- Running essential support services such as peer support, equity centres (e.g Pride centres), sexual violence support centres, food banks, etc.;
- Providing academic support and advocacy services;
- Creating volunteer and job opportunities for students;
- Operating non-profit commercial services, such as book stores, restaurants, cafes and food services.
What does this mean for SOGS?: Graduate students will be able to opt out of any non-essential ancillary fee, which includes SOGS membership dues.
SOGS membership dues fund:
- Administration of the health/dental plan and the LTC bus pass program;
- Advocacy initiatives on and off-campus;
- Awards – Thesis Completion Fund, Peggy Collins Memorial Award;
- Bursaries each term for Canadian and international students;
- Committees;
- Commissioners stipend for the Accessibility, Indigenous, Pride, and Women’s Concerns Commissioners;
- Elected executive stipend;
- Elected commissioner stipends;
- Emergency Loan program for graduate students;
- GradCast radio show (CHRW 94.9 – every Tuesday) – SOGS official radio show for graduate student by graduate students;
- Graduate Student Teaching Awards;
- Ombudsperson stipend;
- Orientation week in September and January;
- Operation of the SOGS office (includes staffing, supplies and building services/fees);
- Non-TA foodbank;
- Student Government (i.e., SOGS monthly council) and the departmental grants issued to each department annually for councillor attendance at monthly council (which helps pay for activities and events for graduate student associations across campus);
- Scholarships: 125th Scholarship
- Student advocacy and membership in the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) (includes attendance at various CFS meetings provincially and the national AGM);
- Subsidies: Travel, Childcare, and Professional Placement;
- Subsidized social and cultural events for students (and their families) on and off-campus throughout the year;
- Wellness week in October;
SOGS also provides students with:
- A well-rounded campus life;
- Academic and wellness supports;
- Academic appeals advocacy;
- Advocacy for minority students;
- A voice with local government representatives;
- Connections with campus stakeholders, departments, campus organizations, and the TA/Postdoc union (PSAC Local 610);
- Infrastructure of support, both academic and financial;
- New student orientation events which bring new students together, fostering a positive graduate student experience;
- Representation at Western University with administration;
- Social and community programming;
- New international student outreach;
- Services for visiting and exchange students;
- Support for at-risk graduate students.
If you DO NOT agree with the recent changes to Ontario university education funding, join the cause and sign the CFS-ON letter being sent to Premier Doug Ford, MPP Dr. Merrilee Fullerton (Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities), and your local MPP.
Sign the letter here.
In addition, consider signing the March For Students Rights postcards and letter to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario available in the SOGS office (MC room 8).
Opinion Pieces and Editorials:
- The Athenaem, “We Won’t Let Doug Ford Kill Student Journalism“, January 18, 2019
- The Gazette, “OSAP and Tuition Changes Will Do More Harm Than Good“, January 22, 2019
- McGill Tribune, “Students Can’t Afford Doug Ford“, January 29, 2019
- Washington Post, “The nefarious political agenda behind Ontario’s war on university fees“, February 1, 2019
- University Affairs, “Ontario Student Groups Fear Fees Opt-Out Policy Will Reduce Quality of Campus Life“, February 13, 2019
Press Releases:
- Canadian Federation of Students Ontario, “Students reaffirm demand for reversal of “Student Choice Initiative” following dishonest PC fundraising email“, February 12, 2019
- Canadian Federation of Students website
- Canadian Federation of Students Ontario – Facebook and website
- Young Communist League – Facebook and website
- London Student Coalition – Facebook
2019 SOGS Presidential Election
Graduate Student Teaching Assistant awards
Winter Bus Pass Distribution
This is a notice sent on behalf of SOGS Council Speaker:
This is a reminder that the positions of VP Academic and VP Finance are up for election this month at SOGS April Council meeting.
The position of VP Academic: 2 month term expiring in June 2018.
The position of VP Finance: 12 month term expiring in April 2019.
SOGS members in good standing wishing to nominate themselves must send their nomination (as well as an optional 1 page election poster/platform for inclusion in the SOGS Council mail-out) to the Speaker ( no later than April 17th at 11:59pm EDT.
Martin R. Lefebvre
SOGS Speaker
Please direct any questions to the Speaker, Martin Lefebvre,
For more information on the elections process, consider consulting the SOGS Constitution & Bylaws available at
All SOGS members are eligible to be nominated for the position of President. The nomination is period is February 5 – 23 2018 (close of business day).
Nomination forms must be obtained from and submitted in writing to the SOGS Office (UCC 260). A complete form requires two nominating signatures from members in good standing.
Further information about campaigns and elections will be posted after the nomination period. An election will only take place if there are multiple candidates. If a candidate is unopposed, they are acclaimed to the post of President.
Questions should be directed to the Chief Returning Officer, Stephanie Dennie ( and the Deputy Chief Returning Officer, Chantal Lemire (
For more information on the elections process, consider consulting the Elections Handbook.
Duties of the President
A complete description of the President’s duties and elections rules can be found in the SOGS Constitutions and Bylaws. A selection appears below.
The President
- shall be responsible for the overall operation of the affairs of the Society.
- shall oversee the bookkeeping and administrative functions of the Society.
- shall be responsible for ensuring the Vice-Presidents execute their duties.
- shall be a non-voting member, ex-officio, of all standing committees of the Society.
- shall be responsible for calling a meeting of the Executive prior to any General or Council meeting.
- shall chair Executive meetings and prepare an agenda.
- shall be responsible for the minutes of Executive meetings.
- shall, with the Vice-President Finance, and only with Council’s approval, enter into loan agreements on behalf of the Society.
- shall, with the Vice-President Finance, be responsible for the administration of the Society’s emergency loan system, travel grants fund, and child care fund.
- shall, with the Vice-President Finance, and with Council’s approval, be responsible for the administration of the Society’s long-term investments.
- shall ensure the names of the winners of Society’s non-confidential sponsored programs are published.
- shall co-ordinate the contract renewal process for the Society’s office staff.
- shall maintain organizational charts that reflect the mandate, operations, and needs of the Society, and shall update them annually.
- shall, as appropriate, call a meeting of all Executive Officers, Commissioners and Committee Chairs to discuss issues with the Society, which shall be reported to Council.
Thank you,
Stephanie Dennie, M.A, B.A
Doctoral Student
The University of Western Ontario
Department of Classics