All SOGS members are eligible to be nominated for the position of President. The nomination is period is February 5 – 23 2018 (close of business day).
Nomination forms must be obtained from and submitted in writing to the SOGS Office (UCC 260). A complete form requires two nominating signatures from members in good standing.
Further information about campaigns and elections will be posted after the nomination period. An election will only take place if there are multiple candidates. If a candidate is unopposed, they are acclaimed to the post of President.
Questions should be directed to the Chief Returning Officer, Stephanie Dennie ( and the Deputy Chief Returning Officer, Chantal Lemire (
For more information on the elections process, consider consulting the Elections Handbook.
Duties of the President
A complete description of the President’s duties and elections rules can be found in the SOGS Constitutions and Bylaws. A selection appears below.
The President
- shall be responsible for the overall operation of the affairs of the Society.
- shall oversee the bookkeeping and administrative functions of the Society.
- shall be responsible for ensuring the Vice-Presidents execute their duties.
- shall be a non-voting member, ex-officio, of all standing committees of the Society.
- shall be responsible for calling a meeting of the Executive prior to any General or Council meeting.
- shall chair Executive meetings and prepare an agenda.
- shall be responsible for the minutes of Executive meetings.
- shall, with the Vice-President Finance, and only with Council’s approval, enter into loan agreements on behalf of the Society.
- shall, with the Vice-President Finance, be responsible for the administration of the Society’s emergency loan system, travel grants fund, and child care fund.
- shall, with the Vice-President Finance, and with Council’s approval, be responsible for the administration of the Society’s long-term investments.
- shall ensure the names of the winners of Society’s non-confidential sponsored programs are published.
- shall co-ordinate the contract renewal process for the Society’s office staff.
- shall maintain organizational charts that reflect the mandate, operations, and needs of the Society, and shall update them annually.
- shall, as appropriate, call a meeting of all Executive Officers, Commissioners and Committee Chairs to discuss issues with the Society, which shall be reported to Council.
Thank you,
Stephanie Dennie, M.A, B.A
Doctoral Student
The University of Western Ontario
Department of Classics