Health & Dental Coverage


As of September 1, 2024, the SOGS Health & Dental Plan will be administered by Student VIP.  For information about the SOGS health plan (including opting-out and adding dependents) for FALL 2024, please go to
Please note that the SOGS health and dental plan coverage categories and amounts have not changed with the switch to StudentVIP/Simply Benefits. 
The group policy information:
    • POLICY NUMBER:  #62250
    • INSURANCE COMPANY: Simply Benefits
    • CARRIER: #34
    • CERTIFICATE NUMBER: Student number

2023-2024 academic year coverage:

UPDATE: Due to the Canada Post strike, you can now submit last year’s claims electronically via

 As of September 1, 2024, your student Health & Dental Plan will no longer be administered by Studentcare. This means that all health and/or dental claims for services incurred between Sept. 1, 2023 and Aug. 31, 2024 must be received by Desjardins Insurance via regular letter mail by Nov. 29, 2024. Claims received after the deadline will not be reimbursed. Be sure to leave adequate time for delivery. 

Claim forms and instructions on how to claim are available at

DISCLAIMER: The Desjardins OMNI app is no longer accepting digital claims and SOGS members will need to send claims in hardcopy to Desjardins via regular letter mail to Desjardins Insurance, C.P. 3950 Levis, Quebec, G6V 8C6.


  • Full-time graduate students who are SOGS members are automatically billed for, enrolled in, and covered by the SOGS Health & Dental Plan. If you are uncertain about whether you have been charged this fee, check your tuition bill.
  • Part-time graduate students, Non-Residential  graduate students (Professional Education), and Leave of Absence graduate students are NOT billed for this benefit due to their enrolment status and therefore, have the option of purchasing the heath & dental plan directly through StudentVIP.


The SOGS health plan for the 2024-2025 academic year is insured by Simply Benefits (#62250) and administered by StudentVIP

    • Have questions about what is covered by your SOGS health plan? Head over to StudentVIP’s website.
    • Have questions about change of coverage questions (i.e, opt-in/opt-out) or recently submitted health claims? Contact our insurance broker, StudentVIP via web chat.
    • Want to know how to submit insurance claims to Simply Benefits? Head over to the StudentVIP website.
    • Check out the StudentVIP FAQ page for answers to more specific questions.
    • Have feedback about the health plan’s coverage? Contact our VP Student Services (

What does the SOGS Health & Dental plan cover?

For a detailed breakdown of what the plan covers, please visit StudentVIP.

Get your Simply Benefits insurance BENEFITS CARD here.

International students: please contact Janis Kramer (, HR Coordinator, UHIP, if you require information about the University Health Insurance Plan: (519)-661-2111 Ext. 85536.

Postdoctoral Scholars at Western, international and domestic, fellows and associates, and graduates of any institution can opt into the Western Alumni Health Plan. 

Exchange and Visiting students at Western University are NOT eligible for the SOGS Health Plan.

*DISCLAIMER: International students can NOT submit claims to Desjardins for regularly covered health treatments received abroad or in their home countries. Desjardins will NOT reimburse these claims. Emergency medical coverage is only to be used outside of Canada and the home countries of international students.

Who Can Opt-in to the SOGS plan?

  • Family members (spouse/partner, child under the age of 25 years of age) of full-time students (
  • Part-time students + family members (spouse/partner + children under 25 years of age)
  • Full-time Non-residential students + family members (spouse/partner + children under 25 years of age) 
  • Leave of Absence students + family members (spouse/partner + children under 25 years of age)   

How to Opt-in

Full-time Students: How to opt-in your family

If you are a full-time student automatically enrolled in and billed for the SOGS health plan and/or have family members (partner and/or children under 21 years of age or 25 if a student) you wish to opt-in, you must:

  1. Go to the StudentVIP  CHANGE OF COVERAGE PORTAL (NOTE: This portal is open from Sept 1-30, January 1-31, and May 1-31).
  2. You will need to create a profile/have your profile confirmed if you have not already done so (i.e., the website will ask you to enter your name and student number).
  3. Then, you will need to enrol your family online. You will need to enter the name and date of birth of your family members.
  4. Pay StudentVIP electronically through their portal (instructions will be provided to you on the website).
  5. Due to a potential black-out period, which can take up to 8 weeks, your family members will not appear in the StudentVIP system as soon as you enrol them.

Part-time students, Non-Residential students, and Leave of Absence students (plus family members):

  1. Please go to the StudentVIP web opt-in/opt-out portal (NOTE: This portal is open from Sept 1-October 3, January 1-31, and May 1-31).
  2. You will need to create a profile/have your profile confirmed if you have not already done so (i.e., the website will ask you to enter your name and student number).
  3. Then, you will need to enrol your family online. NOTE: You will need to enter the name and date of birth of your family members.
  4. Pay Studentcare electronically through their portal (instructions will be provided to you on their website).
  5. Due to a potential black-out period, which can take up to 8 weeks, your family members will not appear in the Studentcare system as soon as you enrol them. Therefore, keep all receipts for medical/dental expenses and claim them later.
  6. Note: Leave of Absence students will need to submit their approval for leave to Studentcare directly.

Who can Opt-out?

FULL-TIME STUDENTS! Full-time students who are already covered under another equivalent insurance plan (e.g. another private plan — your parents’, spouse or employer’s). Once you opt-out, you will receive a refund for the premium on your tuition fee bill. Please be advised that a credit for the premium will appear on your tuition fee bill in mid-October. 

Opt-Out Schedule:

    • If you are enrolled in September (fall term), you can opt-out from September 1 – October 1.
    • If you are first enrolled in January (winter term), you can opt-out from January 1 – 31.
    • If you are first enrolled in May (summer term), you can opt-out from May 1 – 31.

If you have any questions related to your opt-out online, reach out to StudentVIP directly via:

How to Opt-out


Click the above link and follow the instructions provided on the Studentcare website.

*Note: Please be advised that ONLY grad students who already have an equivalent extended health and dental insurance policy can opt-out. UHIP and OHIP (or any other provincial insurance policy) does NOT qualify as an “equivalent health plan”.

If you have any questions related to your opt-out online, reach out to StudentVIP directly via:

How to Submit a Claim

For your own reference, the StudentVIP Group Number for your Health & Dental coverage is 62250, and the insurer is Simply Benefits (carrier number 34). Your personal account number is your WesternU student card number

The fastest way to submit a claim is through the Simply Benefits mobile app (visit the App Store or Google Play), but you can also mail them to Simply Benefits (the insurance provider) yourself.

*DISCLAIMER: International students (including US students) who are not permanent Canadian residents may not use their travel health coverage when traveling to their country of origin.

Claims History

If you would like to see your CLAIMS HISTORY with Simply Benefits, head over to the Simply Benefits app dashboard to see your claims and coverage usage. 

If you you submitted a claim and have a question or concern about that claim, contact StudentVIP.

Mental health support -- I.M. Well program

Did you know that as part of your health insurance coverage you can use I.M. WELL, a tele-virtual mental health support system available to members who want to get emotional support, practical support, wellness coaching, advisor assistance, and more.

You can access I.M. WELL via app (available via Apple and Google), telephone, and the StudentVIP website.

Learn more about I.M. WELL online and watch the orientation video HERE.

Travel coverage

SOGS members on both the BASIC and the ENHANCED versions of the StudentVIP health and dental plan have TRAVEL COVERAGE!

The Simply Benefits Travel policy information:

    • Policy number: #9429934
    • Insurance company: Simply Benefits
    • Certificate number: Your student number


    • Trip cancellation
    • Baggage and personal effects benefits
    • Emergency medical services

*DISCLAIMER: International students (including US students) who are not permanent Canadian residents may not use their travel health coverage when traveling to their country of origin.

How to get a Travel Letter for Visa Applications

How to get a Travel Letter for Visa Applications

If you require a letter from StudentVIP confirming proof of insurance for a VISA application, please submit your request to StudentVIP directly via the Live Chat HERE.
***NOTE: Please be advised that it is strongly recommended that students submit their letter requests a minimum of two weeks prior to their travel dates as it can take 5-10 business days for travel letters to be issued. Students will receive their travel letters directly from StudentVIP once they have been issued. The SOGS Office does not issue insurance letters on behalf of the health plan broker or insurer.

Make the most out of your coverage: StudentVIP Preferred Provider Plus+

Preferred Provider Plus are providers that are offering more than 20% discount for their services. In order to access the discount, please show the practitioner your StudentVIP plan card.

Please use the StudentVIP  provider search tool to find contact information for Preferred Providers offering discounts of up to 19%. Remember to present your Student VIP card to access these savings.

Additional coverage for Teaching Assistants

PSAC 610 Extended Health Plan (EHP)

If you are a Teaching Assistant (TA) and a member in good standing with PSAC 610, you will be able to apply for the Extended Health Plan (EHP), which you can use to increase your overall health care coverage. We recommended that you apply for your SOGS coverage first, and then submit your claims to PSAC 610.

To prove that you have maxed out your SOGS coverage, visit Desjardins and log in to your account. Under, “I want to”, click on “Consult my transaction history”. Click on “Details” next to the transaction history you wish to print the proof of claim for. Print this document and submit it to PSAC 610.