
NEW CLUBS: Want to start your own graduate student club? SOGS’ Orientation and Social Committee (OSC) can help! Review and complete our new Clubs application process.

Board Game Club

Love board games? Want to link up with folx who are keen to meet new friends and try out some new board games, both in person and online?

Want to join the club? Contact the OSCchair (

Did you know that SOGS has a collection of over 60 board games at the Grad Club? We regularly host a monthly Board Game Night at the Grad Club.

Key words: Social



The French Film Club is a club related to all things French cinema! From historical to contemporary, this club offers film screenings from all eras of cinema. It fosters appreciation of and discussion about all things French cinema! Each meeting of the club will include a film screening.

Want to join the club? Get in touch with the club organizers, Aditi Khasa ( and Forough Hazrati (

key words: Social, art, culture


The Western Graduate Students’ Music Club (WGSMC)  is an opportunity for Western’s graduate students to join together and share the gift of music!

BENEFIT OF JOINING: The club will offer members opportunities to engage in social networking opportunities where they can connect with other graduate students, from different faculties and backgrounds, and share their love of music.


  • Monthly jam sessions where musicians and music enthusiasts can play music together! 
  • Monthly “open mic night” hosted at the Grad Club, where members play for a friendly audience. 
  • Monthly volunteering endeavours in partnership with local retirement homes whereby members can play music for senior citizens.

Categories: Creative, social

Club contacts: Daniel Wyzynski ( and Maxine Nicolais (


OTECH – Occupational Therapy Technology Club

OTECH is a student-run club organization that aims to engage student occupational therapists at WesternU by designing and developing future high-tech devices that have the ability to ain in addressing occupational challenges that exist in our community.

Club chairs: Kiera Smith ( and Monica Yip (

Follow on Instagram – @western_otech

The Society of WesternU Iranian Students (SWIS) club

SWIS is a socio-cultural club for Iranian graduate students at WesternU. The club hosts social events and initiatives on- and off-campus.

Are you interested in Persian culture? Would you like to gather with other fellows on campus to watch Iranian movies, listen to Persian music, try Persian food, and do many other Persian-style activities? 

SWIS aims to provide not only a community for Iranian students but also a real-life experience for other students who are interested in Persian traditions.

Want to be a member of the club? Please click on the link for joining our telegram channel HERE.

Get in touch: Email President – Seyed Maliheh Etesami  (

Running Club

Looking for a group to run with?  

The Running Club meets three times a week during Fall 2024:

  • Mondays  at 5:30pm
  • Saturdays at 11am
  • Sundays at 11am

We meet by the main entrance to the Western Recreation centre. These runs are meant to be social and we go at a pace that allows for chatting, with some walking every now and then. Runners of all experience levels welcome!

If you would like to become a member, please fill out our intake form here: Membership is not needed to attend runs, you can simply show up! However by becoming a member you’ll get our email updates about upcoming events outside the weekly runs, such as trail runs, races, and so on.

Questions? Comments? You would like to get involved? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Running Club organizer, Kumar Sannidhya Shukla (

Key words: health, social


Looking to connect with fellow South Asian grad students at Western?

Join the SAGA: South Asian Grad Association!

SAGA is designed to connect, celebrate, and thrive together. They host social and cultural events for the South Asian grad population and friends.

Get in touch with the association chairs: Diljot Badesha ( and Ragshana Gunaseelan ( ➡️ @sogs.saga 



WesternU Polish Graduate Student Association

The goal of this  club is to provide opportunities for graduate students of Polish descent (as well as students interested in Polish culture) to make meaningful friendships and connections with other Polish Graduate students, while promoting and maintaining connections to Polish culture and tradition. As a result, members will not only have proximal ties to their culture through their peers and events, but will also be able to meet potential professional connections or research collaborators.

Though members of this organization are not obligated to come to any of the events, the events will create a culturally relevant and social atmosphere that should appeal to graduate students of Polish descent.

There is no set number of events in a given year, but members should expect approximately one monthly event during the Fall and Winter terms.

Get in touch with the WPGSA club organizer, Christopher Kowalski (, if you have any questions. 

Key words: cultural, social

Exercise is Medicine (Graduate Chapter)

Exercise is Medicine® Canada (EIMC) is a national movement to encourage a healthy lifestyle among Canadians based on abundant evidence that physical activity and exercise reduce the risk of chronic disease. Our group is comprised of passionate graduate students who meet to organize activities for all graduate students. These events include social exercise sessions, speaker series, and a monthly newsletter packed with information to support you on your journey to become more physically active.
If you’re interested in participating in our events or learning more about the club, contact us at
Key words: Social, health


Nemaru Martial Art Club

Get in touch with the Nemaru Club chair, Aminollah Montazeri (