Free Tax Filing

The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) negotiated with to offer students free online tax filing.  Although the service starts at $15.95 per use, members of CFS are provided with a code to access for free all year round.

Students can use to file taxes for their spouses, partners or dependents. The service is also available in French at impô

How to File

To file for free, members must:

  1. Sign in to a new or existing UFile account for the current tax year
  2. Enter tuition fees and months at school (must file T2202a)
  3. Locate the “Special Offer” form in UFile’s left hand navigation
  4. Enter the special offer code: CFS1981

(note: entering the code CFS1981 at check-out will not discount the tax file, the student must enter the code in the Special Offer section.)

For the full instructions, please visit or