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July 2016: Newsletter


SOGS Update, the official monthly electronic newsletter from SOGS, keeps you up to date on issues and events affecting graduate students at The University of Western Ontario. If you are looking for previous issues of SOGS Update, please contact the office.

For updates on events, issues and discussion relevant to graduate students and Western between editions of the newsletter, consider the following:

Do you have a news item or announcement you would like to have included in the next SOGS Update? Email for more information.

In this month’s Update

Research & workshops

In the headlines

Get involved

Grad Life at Western

At the Grad Club

Monthly giveaways: Photo contest & trivia


Research & workshops

calendar_iconLooking for more workshops? You can consult the Western Events Calendar, Teaching Support Centre Graduate Student Events Calendar, or SGPS’ The Wire to learn more about what’s happening on campus.

Weekly Thesis Writing @ Weldon Library

DavidBWeldonWeekly Thesis Writing Time is a pilot project spearheaded by SOGS and SGPS dedicated to providing a comfortable, distraction-free space conducive for graduate student thesis writing—with refreshing fruit from the Grad Club! Sessions will run on July 5, July 11, July 22, and July 26. July sessions will be held in Weldon Library, The David B. Weldon Seminar Room (room 439H on the 4th floor). 

Register here to guarantee your spot. If registration is full, volunteer to oversee the sessions! Email to volunteer. 


In the headlines

City Council approves bus rapid transit

London City Council approved the Shift Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Business Case on May 31st, 2016. The June edition of the Shift Newsletter explains that this decision was based on the following considerations:

  • the business case identified $1.60 of benefits for every $1.00 invested;
  • BRT offers the most operational flexibility;
  • and, electric buses are being considered to reduce emissions and noise production.

For a more detailed account of the plan, please consult the Shift London website. The June Shift Newsletter is available for download from the Shift London site.


Get involved

Upcoming election for SOGS Ombudsperson

Nominations and inquiries may be sent to Nominations must be received by 5pm on July 12.

For more information on the role of the Ombudsperson, please consult section 2.2.7 of our Bylaws or contact our office (UCC 260;

Western International is recruiting Welcome Team Volunteers

WelcomeTeamWestern International is currently recruiting Welcome Team Volunteers to assist with our Welcome Centre. The main role of Welcome Team Volunteers is to welcome and assist new international and exchange students to Western from August 29-September 16, and from January 2-13. The time commitment is, on average, 6 hours/week during these time frames. This is a great opportunity to further your internationalization experience while enhancing your organizational and interpersonal skills – skills that are required for any position you may take on in the future!

Please note that in order to volunteer for the Welcome Centre, you must be available for a mandatory full-day training session on Friday, August 26.

For a detailed description of the volunteer position, please visit the bottom of this page.

To apply, please fill out the VIP application form online.

Also, be sure to spread the word to your friends – this is a great short-term volunteer opportunity that will provide you with life-long skills!


Grad Life at Western

calendar_iconLooking for more to do? You can consult the Western Events Calendar, London Tourism’s Events Calendar, or SGPS’ The Wire to learn more about what’s happening on campus and in your community.

Board Game NightSOGSBoardGameBanner

The OSC hosts its monthly Board Game Night on July 20 – 7pm @ the Grad Club. Discounted beer, free appetizers, and games galore! Check out our new games!

If you haven’t liked the OSC’s Facebook Page yet, be sure to do so here to stay up-to-date on events.

BoardGame1 BoardGame2

Graduate Peer Support Weekly Drop-In

GPSsquareEver feel like you need some space to unwind? Or want the opportunity to talk to other grads about their experiences and studies?

The SOGS Equity Committee, along with SGPS, Student Experience, and CONNECT for Mental Health have teamed up to provide grads with a space for a mid-week break. Over the summer, stop by the Wellness Education Center Wednesdays between 10:30am and 12:30pm for coffee, tea, snacks, and company. These drop-in sessions are open to any Western graduate student, and will be hosted by trained peer support facilitators to keep everything running smoothly.

Once per month, this drop-in will be dedicated to a specific topic. These talks kicked off on May 4 with Imposter Syndrome; many thanks to those of you who came out to our inaugural session on this important topic. The schedule for the rest of our themed talks for the summer is as follows:

  • August 3 – Unrealistic Expectations of Grad Studies: How Am I Supposed to Do All This

We hope you’ll stop by over the summer, or consider getting involved with the recently founded Graduate Peer Support (GPS) Committee. We are currently seeking volunteers interested in being trained as peer support facilitators. Please email the VP Advocacy ( for more information about the program, the committee, or to suggest talks you’d like to see in the future.

Pride Outside Potluck Picnic


On Saturday, July 23, you are invited to join us at 1pm in Central Harris Park to celebrate UWO SOGS LGTBQ members, friends and family. We invite London community members and UWO faculty as well. Look for the purple Western umbella near the center of the park. After the potluck picnic, please join us for a walk through the London Pride Festivities in Victoria Park.

Full details, and the option to share information about any dish you’re contributing, are available on the event Facebook page.

Rainy day alternative event to come! Please invite friends and colleagues.

Graduate student fall orientation

The Orientation and Social Committee (OSC) and the International Graduate Student Issues Committee (IGSIC) are geared up for Fall Graduate Student Orientation (September 13-16).

Orientation1 Orientation2 Orientation3

For updates and a full itinerary of Fall Orientation, keep an eye on our new Orientation page. Here’s a preview of some of what we have planned.

International Graduate Student Meet & Greet

On Tuesday, September 13, the International Graduate Student Issues Committee (IGSIC) is hosting a Meet and Greet for incoming international graduate students. New students will be paired up with current graduate students from their home countries. Currently, we have representation from almost 20 countries, but we’re looking for more volunteers! All volunteers will receive a free lunch courtesy of IGSIC and the International & Exchange Student Centre (IESC). If you’re interested in participating, contact

Welcome to YOUR Grad Club!

On Wednesday, September 14, the Orientation and Social Committee (OSC) will welcome Graduate Student Associations/Councils and their members to the Grad Club for games, appetizers, and refreshments. The OSC will be reaching out to Associations shortly. Know you want to sign up now? Contact

Amazing Race: SOGS Edition

This year, SOGS has partnered with over 10 organizations across campus to create the ultimate Graduate Student Orientation Experience! The competition will run on Thursday, September 15 between 2pm and 4pm. Teams of four will race against their fellow SOGS members in order to win:

  • First place: $200 Grad Club certificate
  • Second Place: $150 Grad Club certificate
  • Third Place: $100 Grad Club certificate

All winners will also receive free admission to the Bonfire Night on Friday, September 16. Everyone who participates will receive a $5 Grad Club certificate.

Interested in competing? Please sign up online.


At the Grad ClubGradClub

There will be construction on Perth Drive from July 4 – July 24. In order to access the Middlesex College parking lot you will need to enter Perth Drive from University Drive

The Grad Club BBQ will be open every Friday beginning June 3rd
from 11:30AM – 1:30PM

During the summer months, Trivia Tuesday start time is 7:30PM

The parking at Middlesex College will be going up at 7:00PM during the summer months

2016 Golf Tournament
Saturday August 13, 2016
Oxbow Glen Golf Course

Includes: 18 Holes, Golf Cart, Boxed Lunch, Dinner at the Grad Club, & Prizes

$85.00 per person ($70.00 for students)
If payment is received after July 31st, $95.00 per person (no student rate)

Reserve tee times at the Grad Club or call 661- 2111 ext 86386
Registration forms are available at the bar or via e-mail (

Schoefferhofer Beach Set

Order a Schoefferhofer and enter to win a beach set. No purchase – must be 19+ to enter. See your server for more details

Dinner & Movie
Purchase one of our dinner special and you can purchase a Western Film movie for $3.50. Voucher is good for any movie.


Trivia Tuesday: 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM
Come early to get a good seat

Every Thursday: Come and enjoy the music of Rick McGhie – 7:00 PM start

Every third Wednesday of the Month the OSC is hosting Boardgame night starting at 6:00PM. You can purchase a bottle of Bud Light, Shock Top or Goose Island IPA for $3.50.

Summer Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday – 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Saturday – closed
Sunday – closed.

The Grad Club will open on weekends for events or conferences
Call 519-661-2111 ext 86386 or e-mail to set up your event.

Free parking after 7:30 PM.

Get Your VanHoutte Coffee Card

Buy ten coffees and get one free.

Lunch Specials

Tuesday – 11:30am – 1:30PM
Pad Thai or Buffalo Chicken Wrap – vegetarian options available

Wednesday – 11:30am – 1:30PM – $10.25 one trip
Indian Buffet (South Asian Cuisine)

Thursday – 11:30am – 1:30pm – $8.50
Create your own Pasta; gluten free pasta available

Friday – 11:30AM – 1:30PM
Themed buffet; Grad Club BBQ

You can find all of our lunch and dinner specials on the Grad Club website

Book the Goblet

To reserve The Goblet of Knowledge for your upcoming defense party, call Marc 519-661-2111 ext 86386.


Monthly giveaways

Winners can pick up their Grad Club certificates in the SOGS office during regular office hours, and their names will be posted in next month’s newsletter.

Sarah Krasniuk’s winning water photo

Photo contest

Congratulations to our June winner, Sarah Krasniuk. June’s theme was: water. July’s theme is : crowds, concerts, and hullabaloo. With Sunfest, Pride London, and so many other festivities on the go, we hope to see pictures of grad students out in the wild and enjoying the summer. Send your photo into; the winner will be randomly selected, and their photo will be featured in next month’s Update newsletter.


Each month, SOGS hosts a trivia contest featuring information from our newsletter or our website. Correct answers are entered into a draw and four students will win a certificate to the Grad Club! Please email your response to by July 31.

July Question

This month, the Weekly Thesis Writing takes place in the David B. Weldon Seminar Room of the Weldon Library. For this month’s trivia, share one detail about this room or its namesake (tip: an online search for “David B. Weldon seminar room” retrieves plenty of relevant results)

June Winners

Since y’all didn’t seem to like the June trivia question (sorry!), we received too few entries to allocate all of our trivia prizes. As a consequence, our runner-up photo entries are included in our trivia winners this month.

Congratulations to our June winners:

  • Susanna George
  • Isabela Reinati
  • Lindsay Debono
Isabela Reinati; an artistic capture of water in a styrofoam cup in the ER Lindsay Debono; skydiving over Bribie Island while backpacking in Australia

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