Storwell Bursary to Help Foster Children Pursue Post-Secondary Education

Storwell Offers an Annual Bursary of $2,000 to Help Foster Children Pursue Post-Secondary Education

For every 1,000 youths in Canadian foster care, only eight go on to graduate with a post-secondary education. In response to the growing number of foster children and youth in care that struggle to afford post-secondary studies, Storwell has developed the Foster Children Bursary Program. Along with providing secure and affordable self-storage units, Storwell is also devoted to helping out the community through various charitable causes and social initiatives. The aim of the bursary program is to provide foster children and youth in care with resources and opportunities that might be otherwise unavailable to them. With the proper tools, these students can work towards building a better life for themselves through the pursuit of higher education.

Storwell offers an annual bursary of $2,000 to help foster children pursue post secondary education. Eligibility requirements and access to the application form can be found at:

Letter of Support – Flooding in Pakistan

Historical image of Middlesex College clock tower with text "read the Society's letter of support regarding the flooding in Pakistan"

Statement of Support and Solidarity for our Pakistani Community

Dear SOGS Members and our Western Community: 

We stand in solidarity with our Pakistani Community, who continue to be impacted by the devastating floods in Pakistan. From mid June this year, Pakistan has been ravaged by floods leaving a third of the country submerged under water, displacing more than seven million people from their homes. According to the top UN aid official in Pakistan, the country has recently entered a “second wave of death and destruction”: more than 20 million people are in need of humanitarian relief, five million people are facing a severe food crisis, and diseases such as malaria and dengue fever are running rampant. As of early October, the UN has increased its funding appeal by five times to scale up life-saving assistance and prevent many more deaths. 

It is also important to highlight that the traumatic flooding in Pakistan has likely been exasperated by global climate change. Julien Harneis, the U.N. Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Pakistan said “They show what happens, what are the consequences when we do not stop global warming. The scale of it is beyond imagination. It is a climate change disaster that you can see from space.” As humanitarian crises like the one now unfolding in Pakistan become increasingly common under climate change, we must also consider how the impacts of severe weather and anthropogenic environmental changes are affecting the lands, waters and global biodiversity that humanity depends on to survive. Our support for Pakistan must be informed by our moral imperative to reduce emissions at home. The decisions we make here in Canada, now and in the coming years, have ripple effects across the world, and will determine the livability of our planet for future generations. 

In solidarity,

  • SOGS Executives
  • SOGS Commissioners
  • Brendon Samuels, SOGS Sustainability Coordinator
  • Jake Collie, SOGS Sustainability Committee Member
  • Unaizah (Zoya) Abbas, Graduate Student

How our Western Community Can Support 

Donate Today and Spread the Message: You are welcome to donate to the UN Refugee Agency Canada or the Canadian Red Cross

Support Resources for Graduate Students 

We recognize the impact such a devastating humanitarian crisis has had on the Pakistani students and encourage anyone in need of support to consider the following resources: 

ReachOut: Crisis support for those in the London/Middlesex area – 24/7. Phone or Text – (519) 433-2023, Online web chat is available HERE

Good2Talk: 24/7 confidential helpline: 1-866-925-5454 or Text 686868. 

EmpowerMe: Free remote health and wellness support 24/7 in Canada and the U.S. for Western University graduate students. Empower me is a multi-faith, multilingual service that pairs graduate students with trained professionals via telephone. Not happy with the counsellor you are matched with? Contact Empower Me to request a new counsellor based on individual preferences and needs. To access Empower Me, call 1-833-628-5589. Learn more HERE

Statement on the Ontario Provincial Government’s Bill 23: “More Homes Built Faster” Action Plan

Dear SOGS Members and our Western Community: 

Following the SOGS Climate Emergency Declaration, the Society of Graduate Students stands against ​​Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 introduced by the Ontario provincial government on October 25. We recognize that the single greatest cause of biodiversity decline is the conversion of habitat to development in Ontario and globally. On the surface, the omnibus Bill 23 appears to address Ontario’s housing crisis by removing processes that result in some development taking longer. In reality, Bill 23 significantly limits the role of Ontario’s conservation authorities, municipal governments, and the public in reviewing and approving new developments that risk negative impacts to habitat, biodiversity, farmland and climate change mitigation and adaptation. The purpose of this statement is to share information with SOGS membership about relevant changes proposed in Bill 23 and to raise awareness of ongoing public consultations where comments can be submitted online (see below).

Ontario is facing a serious shortage of new housing, but let there be no mistake: creating more affordable housing does not require destruction of irreplaceable farmland and habitats in the greenbelt, sprawl beyond urban growth boundaries, or eliminating processes that incorporate environmental oversight and climate change forecasting into growth planning. 

New students arriving in London to study at Western may have trouble finding an affordable place to live. Many social problems facing our communities, such as rising rates of homelessness, addictions, and petty crime, are interconnected with this lack of available affordable housing. More housing, specifically medium and high-density, affordable units built upwards inside of existing urban areas, and not on the edge of the city, are required to meet housing needs of students and vulnerable populations. At the same time, it is imperative that governments continue to prioritize conservation of farmland and natural resources and maintain public and expert consultation processes supporting new development approvals.

Conservation authorities and environmental protections are not barriers to growth. Rather, conservation authorities are essential partners for balancing development pressure with protections of Ontario’s watersheds and natural heritage. Conservation authorities provide technical advice to municipal governments to support reviews of development plans. Bill 23 proposes capping funding to conservation authorities, opening up all conservation authority lands for development, and limiting the scope of feedback provided by conservation authorities to flooding and natural hazard mitigation. Furthermore, Bill 23 proposes allowing the provincial government to override municipal governments’ decision-making authority over development approvals. Municipal governments will no longer be allowed to implement green standards in site plan control to require new buildings to be designed sustainably, meaning municipalities like the City of London will be limited in how they can manage growth while meeting targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions set out in climate change plans. Bill 23 proposes amending the Land Tribunal Act to remove the right of individuals or bodies in Ontario to appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal about reviewing planned development.

Expert reviews of Bill 23 suggest that the proposed changes will result in environmental disasters, leading to fast-tracked developments in areas at risk of severe flooding. This will ultimately result in a high cost for municipal governments and taxpayers left to cover expensive maintenance associated with sprawling development as well as future disaster mitigation. The current provincial government has already made numerous legislative changes to erode environmental protections and recently proposed additional changes that would weaken the evaluation and conservation of wetlands while offloading responsibility to municipalities, many of which will lack resources provided by conservation authorities. Meanwhile, the government is failing to fulfill its obligations to reduce carbon emissions, curb plastic pollution, and conserve Species at Risk of extinction in Ontario. These changes, and lack of government accountability for protecting the environment, are occurring with little public awareness or engagement. 

We call on our representatives in the provincial government and the Western community to speak up against Bill 23 and to call for the government to preserve the ability of Ontario’s conservation authorities to comment on development matters concerning land conservation and environmental pollution, to not facilitate development in the greenbelt, and to allow municipal governments to implement green standards in new sustainable development.

Action: How our Western Community Can Support 

  1. Get informed. Review summaries of ongoing changes to Ontario’s environmental protections:
  1. The public can sign petitions and submit comments on Bill 23 and proposed changes to legislation. Consultation links and petitions are compiled here.
  2. Write to your Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) and urge them to speak up against Bill 23, for reasons described in this letter and by the sources listed above. 
  3. Educate your community. Talk about this with your peers, family, and friends. Many people are unaware of the changes that are being pushed through quickly and without media focus.
  4. Get involved with local community and regional organizations that work on building climate change resiliency and advocate for stronger environmental protections, such as Ontario Nature, Environmental Defense, Nature London and Climate Action London

-The Society of Graduate Students at WesternU

SOGS Statement of Support: UWOFA Collective Bargaining

SOGS Statement of Support: UWOFA Collective Bargaining

The Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) at Western University stands in support of the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA) as their representatives engage in negotiations for a new faculty Collective Agreement.

With the current UWOFA agreement expiring on June 30th 2022, we are disappointed to learn that the Employer is proposing that bargaining not begin until July 14th 2022 despite having had over two months to get the process started and a range of earlier dates suggested by the UWOFA negotiating team. As the mandated summer break takes place immediately after the half days proposed in mid-July, bargaining will then be delayed again until nearly the end of August. 

As members of an organization which values equitable academic labour practices and working conditions, and graduate students who benefit from the research, teaching, and mentorship excellence of UWOFA’s members, we urge the Employer to prioritize these negotiations and work with UWOFA to achieve a fair agreement without delay. The quality of our graduate education rests upon the wellness and support of Western’s faculty, many of whom feel overworked after these last two years of global uncertainty and a fluctuating educational environment.

Prioritizing a timely and fair negotiation for UWOFA not only demonstrates the Employer’s commitment to the wellness of its faculty employees, but the wellness and success of the thousands of graduate students across campus entrusted to their care and guidance. 

WesternU Senate Report: September 2021

This report summarizes highlights from the Western Senate meeting on September 17, 2021. The agenda in full can be accessed online.


  • Congratulations to our five PhD candidates named Vanier Canada Graduate Scholars: Elmond Bandauko (Geography & Environment); Lorna Ferguson (Sociology); Olivia Ghosh-Swaby (Neuroscience); Samir Hamadache (Biochemistry); and Peter Zeng (Schulich MD/PhD program).

Program Updates

  • Ivey presented an updated  Ivey Business School Council Constitution to Senate for approval. Student participation is one element of the Constitution.
  • SGPS proposed a Primary Healthcare Nurse Practitioner Graduate Diploma (GDIP).


  • A proposal to formalize a Lecturer observership on Senate was passed.
  • New resources on land acknowledgements are expected to be posted to the Indigenous Services website within a month
  • Conversations are ongoing about which actions to address gender-based and sexual violence are preferable/feasible/legal
    • Preliminary support exists for mandatory training
    • Acknowledge that hiring special constables is contested; emphasis on hiring women-identifying and POC staff
    • Adding blue lights on campus
    • Foot Patrol has returned to service, may have golf carts to expand their services
    • Have hired emergency trauma counsellors
    • Police are on campus to do an independent investigation
    • Some possibility of an external review
  • The Convocation Board has decided to move Convocations online this Fall
    • Three filmings taking place to broadcast
  • SCAPA (Sub-Committee on Academic Policy and Awards) is expected to discuss delaying the add/drop deadline for undergraduate courses

Antiracism Spotlight: Orange Shirt Day

Trigger Warning: Abuse

September 30th is Orange Shirt Day.  Since 2013 Indigenous communities have observed Orange Shirt Day to honour Survivors of Indian Residential Schools and raise awareness of the collective devastation the Indian Residential School system has had on our communities.

For those not yet familiar with the history and legacy of the Indian Residential School system in Canada, it was a federally backed and church-led program to forcibly remove Indigenous children from their homes and communities to “kill the Indian in the child”. A “cultural” genocide according to Canada.  Genocide is what we call it in my community. 

Not only were Indigenous children as young as 3 years old taught to be ashamed of their heritage, many were physically, sexually, mentally and spiritually abused.  And, as seen in headlines throughout this summer, many Indigenous children died at the “schools”.  Throughout the Indian Residential School system era, the Federal government was informed of the horrors of the “schools” by Indigenous leaders as well as their own staff and consultants.   The “schools” remained open from the 1880’s until 1996.

Earlier this year, the Federal government designated September 30th a federal holiday as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  The day is meant to respond to Call to Action #80 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which called for a statutory holiday “…to honour Survivors, their families and communities and to ensure the public commemoration of the history and legacy of Indian Residential Schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process.”  A few provinces (British Columbia and Manitoba) as well as the Northwest Territories have also chosen to observe September 30th as a holiday.  The province where the largest population of Indigenous Peoples reside (Ontario) has not. 

What this means is federal employees will have a full day to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  Most Indigenous Peoples in Canada will not.  Including those of us here at Western.

As Indigenous Commissioner for SOGS, I encourage our campus community to make time throughout this week to engage in the opportunities on campus and in our communities to learn more about the history and legacy of the Indian Residential School system.  On campus the Office of Indigenous Initiatives and the Indigenous Student Centre (@WesternuISC) has prepared numerous learning opportunities for non-Indigenous Peoples as well as opportunities to gather and connect for Indigenous campus community members.  Please follow the schedule of events.

Beyond this week, I encourage each of you to continue making the time to learn more about the experiences of Indigenous Peoples by taking part in the 12 Ways to Engage in Truth and Reconciliation at Western.  Share these resources with your family, friends, and networks to help keep reconciliation a priority on our campus and in our communities.


Victoria Bomberry, Mohawk (Six Nations of the Grand River, Indigenous Commissioner of the Society of Graduate Students)

Statement Regarding Gender-Based and Sexual Violence at WesternU

The leadership team at the Society of Graduate Students is outraged to hear of the multiple reports of gender based and sexual violence alleged on Western’s campus during Orientation Week. We are additionally distraught at the tragic loss of Gabriel Neil, a first year Kinesiology student, who was brutally attacked near campus and subsequently died of his injuries. SOGS is here to support all of its constituent members, as well as advocate in solidarity with concerns relating to our undergraduate colleagues.

The safety of Western University students on campus requires urgent and collective action. Despite an attempt to host a dry and safe Orientation Week, Western ultimately failed in upholding this mandate and in its protection of its students. 

University campuses continue to steep in an ongoing and rampant culture of gender based violence and sexual assault. Statistics Canada states that 41% of all sexual assault reports in Canada are submitted by post-secondary students. Furthermore, Western demonstrates an alarmingly high prevalence rate, with a 2018 Council of Ontario Universities report noting that over 70% of Western students have reported some form of sexual harassment.

Addressing gender-based and sexual violence, including sexual assault, is of utmost urgency and importance. Sexual assault, according to the Criminal Code of Canada (Section  271) “occurs if a person is touched in any way that interferes with their sexual integrity: this includes kissing, touching, intercourse and any other sexual activity without [their] consent.” Furthermore, the non-consensual administration of drugs, including date rape drugs, is legally classified as assault causing bodily harm by administering noxious things. 

Any and all types of sexual assault must be recognized as traumatic and harmful actions which not only significantly impact the individual(s) involved, but also the community at large. We have a collective responsibility to each other. 


  1. We call upon Western University to begin immediate preparation and implementation of cohesive and mandatory gender-based and sexual violence (GBSV) education training modules, including trauma informed approaches, for all students, staff, and faculty. We demand that all materials related to this module be legally accurate and accessible public information, reviewed with a diverse range of stakeholders, including and especially survivors. Furthermore, we demand that the enrolment of all new students, both undergraduate and graduate, in courses at the university be contingent upon the successful completion of these mandatory modules.
  2. We call upon Western University to continue to clarify the internal processes related to gender-based and sexual violence reporting. The current process is unclear and it is difficult to find information on the steps taken, especially for incoming students. 
  3. We call upon student, faculty, and staff associations and organizations across campus to hold Western University, and each other, accountable to providing a safe campus for all members of our community. Violent assaults, of any kind, have no place here and it is up to each of us to ensure that this is quickly and efficiently addressed. To show this support and community care, we ask any and all concerned individuals to sign the petition outlining our call to action.
  4. We call upon the campus community to stand in solidarity with and support the survivors of gender-based and sexual violence on campus by joining us at the UWO Sexual & Gender-Based Violence Walk-Out at University College Hill on Friday, September 17, 2021 at 12pm EST. Wear a mask. Wear teal, the colour of survivors of sexual assault. 
  5. We urge students who have recently experienced gender-based or sexual violence to formally report their experiences. Reporting these violent and traumatic experiences will help our community better understand the culture of sexual violence that has baked itself into Western University traditions, like O-Week, underscoring the danger of the continuation of these misogynist traditions. We call upon Western University and the University Students’ Council to abolish or completely restructure O-Week immediately


We encourage and support survivors and community members to report incidents through a dedicated gender-based violence survivor support case manager on campus at 519-661-3568 or View Reporting and Counselling options HERE.

  • Reports can be submitted online. If you do not wish to initiate a formal process or you haven’t decided, you may contact Western’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Coordinator to learn more about your options, including how to access supports, services or accommodations. It is imperative to formally hold Western University accountable for unsafe campus conditions. 
  • Reports to Western can be made through a dedicated gender-based violence survivor support case manager: 519-661-3568 or, but we also encourage survivors to access additional resources as needed, such as St. Joseph’s Health Care Regional Sexual Assault Program at 519-646-6100 or ANOVA London at (519) 642-3000.
  • Tamara Will is the Gender-based Violence & Survivor Support Case Manager at Western University. Tamara will provide you support regardless of if you were subjected to gender-based violence on- or off-campus, or before you came to Western. Tamara will listen and, with your consent, connect you to resources within the university and the community, explain reporting options, assist with safety planning and navigate academic and other accommodations. At no point, will you be required or pressured to follow a specific path. Tamara is located in Office 2150 of the Western Student Services Building.  To connect with Tamara call 519-661-3568 or email
  • Support a Survivor/Victim of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence: Anyone at Western who receives a disclosure about gender-based and sexual violence can report it by completing the Gender-Based & Sexual Violence Disclosure Form.
  • Students in Residence: Contact the residence don, front desk, or residence life coordinator for assistance and access to free, confidential services with the residence counselling and student support team. The counselling team can be reached at


Off Campus

  • ANOVA: Counselling for female-identified survivors of recent and historical experiences of gender-based and sexual violence. 24-hour crisis & support line: (519) 642-3000. For more details on Anova, click HERE.
  • Talk4Healing is a free, culturally grounded and fully confidential telephone help line for Indigenous women throughout Ontario. Talk4Healing is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with services in Ojibway, Oji-Cree, Cree and English: 1-855-554-HEAL (4325)
  • GOOD2TALK: 24 hour student helpline at 1-866-925-5454
  • CMHA Online Chat: 

Law Enforcement and Emergency Services

  • In an emergency, call 911 or 519-661-6570. London Police can support investigations anywhere in London.
  • Western’s Special Constable Service at 519-661-3300. Campus Police can only open an investigation for situations caused physically on campus (this includes on and within student residences).
  • Joseph’s Health Care Regional Sexual Assault Program at 519-646-6100 available 24/7.

The Society of Graduate Students (SOGS)

  • Contact the Society of Graduate Student Gender Concerns Commissioner at They can provide support, resources, and connect students with on or off campus resources unique to the student’s experience. 
  • Empower Me: Free remote mental health and wellness support 24/7 in Canada and the U.S. for Western University graduate students. Empower me is a multi-faith, multilingual service that pairs graduate students with trained professionals via telephone. Not happy with the counsellor you are matched with? Contact Empower Me to request a new counsellor based on individual preferences and needs. To access Empower Me, call 1-833-628-5589. Learn more about Empower Me
  • More resources, including further community resources, can be found at 

 Western Gazette

  • Western’s email to Med-Syd students urges those who have “been impacted or witnessed an incident of gender-based violence” to reach out to the building’s resident life coordinator at

The University Students’ Council (USC)

In solidarity, 

kirstyn seanor, SOGS President; Danica Facca, SOGS VP Academic; Yousuf Hasan, SOGS VP Advocacy; Becky Horst, SOGS VP Finance; Effie Sapuridis, SOGS VP Student Services; Elizabeth Mohler, SOGS Accessibility Commissioner; Ana Moyer, SOGS Gender Concerns Commissioner; E. Victoria Bomberry, SOGS Indigenous Commissioner; Shannon “Thomas” Carnahan, SOGS Pride Commissioner; Denise Kamyuka, SOGS Racial Equity and Inclusivity Commissioner; Mo Sharifi, former SOGS Racial Equity and Inclusivity Commissioner, Deeplina Banerjee, SOGS International Graduate Student Issues Committee member; Laura Munoz-Baena, Gradcast Committee member; Heidi Kellett, SOGS Communications and Promotions Manager; Nick DeSumma, SOGS Governance & Policy Administrator; Jessica Elaine Reilly, SOGS Membership Services Manager; Raquel Rodrigues, SOGS Finance Manager; Marc Lalonde, Grad Club Manager

Read the PDF version HERE.

Statement of Support and Solidarity for the London Muslim Community

We grieve and condemn the recent Islamophobic terrorist attack against a Pakistani Muslim family in London on Sunday, June 6th. The attack took the lives of four members of our community, spanning three generations of a family. The sole survivor is the family’s nine-year-old son, who is severely injured. This horrific attack has been designated as a preplanned and premeditated hate crime by local law enforcement. To everyone impacted by this heartless attack, please know that we grieve with you, and that the Society stands in solidarity with our Muslim community.

This recent attack reinforces and highlights a shameful history of racism in London. It is time to acknowledge that Islamophobia is a deplorable part of our present and past. We cannot afford to continue to ignore the real impacts of racism in our own communities; we cannot hide behind the guise that things are “better” in Canada. We must take action to be anti-racist and combat the racist ideologies that have resulted from longstanding systemic efforts. We further acknowledge that one of the victims was a member of the Western graduate student community in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Their connection to Western emphasizes that our community is not immune to racism. Many of our members experience racism both in academia, at Western University, and in our London community on a daily basis. We must all take action to dismantle systemic racism to ensure that everyone can walk safely and confidently through our communities.

Islamophobia overlaps with other forms of hatred and discrimination, from anti-Black and anti-Asian racism to gender-based violence. White supremacy is not only pervasive within Western culture as a result of colonialism; it is the very historical foundation of contemporary Canadian society. While Canada is often perceived as a “safe” place for immigrants and diasporic communities, the violence and hatred of white supremacy is baked into our institutions, economic practices, belief systems, and politics. White supremacy is not limited to stereotypical hate groups; it thrives among politicians, journalists, academics, and neighbours. It is only through actively and intentionally dismantling white supremacy as an ideology that we can start to address its violence.  We recognize that, as an institution designed to protect our community members, law enforcement in Canada are often complicit in allowing white supremacist groups to target Canadian Muslims and to operate in our own community.

We agree with the National Council of Canadian Muslims that this is a “terrorist attack on Canadian soil”, and should be treated as such. This includes prosecuting the attacker to the fullest extent of the law, including charges of domestic terrorism and hate crime, first-degree murder. This recent attack is all too reminiscent of attacks such as the Quebec City mosque shooting in 2017 and the Toronto van attack in 2018. As recently as 2016, then Mayor Matt Brown described an Islamophobic attack on a Western student as a “wake up call.” This recent attack is a tragic reminder that we still desperately need to do more. 

As leaders we must consistently call out and condemn Islamophobia in all its forms. We call on London politicians and police to develop a safe community for our Muslim neighbours and other minorities, where intercultural and interfaith differences are celebrated and free of discrimination, harassment, and hate. To do this, we ask:

  • for London politicians and police to take a stronger stance against known and actively working hate groups;
  • for London police to more proactively dismantle the role of white supremacy in their practices; and,
  • for Londoners to come together to support our Muslim neighbours in this difficult time.

In solidarity, 

kirstyn seanor, SOGS President; Danica Facca, SOGS VP Academic; Yousuf Hasan, SOGS VP Advocacy; Becky Horst, SOGS VP Finance; Effie Sapuridis, SOGS VP Student Services; Elizabeth Mohler, SOGS Accessibility Commissioner; Ana Moyer, SOGS Gender Concerns Commissioner; Victoria Bomberry, SOGS Indigenous Commissioner; Shannon “Thomas” Carnahan, SOGS Pride Commissioner; Denise Kamyuka, SOGS Racial Equity and Inclusivity Commissioner; Mo Sharifi, former SOGS Racial Equity and Inclusivity Commissioner; Abdelmoneim El Naggar, SOGS Academic and Equity Committee member; Sohini Chatterjee, SOGS Accessibility Committee chair and Equity committee co-chair; Anmol Dutta, SOGS Anti-Racism Committee and Equity Committee co-chairs; Priscilla Edwards, SOGS Anti-Racism Committee member; Michelle Yanxue Feng, SOGS Anti-Racism Committee; Julia Garcia, SOGS Anti-Racism Committee member; Emi Iwaizumi, SOGS Anti-Racism Committee member; Deanna Walker, SOGS Anti-Racism Committee member; Mohamed Abu Gazia, SOGS Equity Committee member; Kesavi Kanagasabai, SOGS Equity Committee member; Mohammed Ellakany, SOGS Graduate Student Issues Committee chair; Varun Ravikumar, SOGS International Graduate Student Issues Committee chair; Deeplina Banerjee, SOGS International Graduate Student Issues Committee member; Courtney Neidig, SOGS Sustainability Committee chair; Mokhtar Khalifa, SOGS Councillor; Heidi Kellett, SOGS Communications and Promotions Manager; Jessica Elaine Reilly, SOGS Membership Services Manager; Raquel Rodrigues, SOGS Finance Manager; Katelyn Mitri, former PSAC 610 President; and the Canadian Federation of Students

Support Resources:

London Community Support

  • London Vigil: In honour of those killed in this horrifying act of violence and to provide a space to collectively grieve, there will be a vigil held at the London Muslim Mosque parking lot at 7 PM, Tuesday, June 8th. *Please do not park at the London Muslim Mosque parking lot as parking will be available at Cherryhill Village Mall and be mindful of distancing due to Covid-19 and wear a mask if you are able.
  • Fundraiser (Salman Family Sadaqa Jariya Fund): This fundraiser is supported by Aisha Afzaal and organized by Sana Yasir. Donate HERE.

Support for Students

  • Naseeha: Mental health support line for Muslim youth. Confidential support 7 days a week  from 12PM – 12AM EST. @NaseehaHelpline. 1-866-NASEEHA (627-3342). Contact Naseeha HERE.
  • ReachOut: Crisis support for those in the London/Middlesex area – 24/7. Phone or Text – 519-433-2023. Online web chat available –
  • Crisis Text Line: 24/7 crisis text support. Text 686868.
  • Empower Me: Free remote mental health and wellness support 24/7 in Canada and the U.S. for Western University graduate students. Empower me is a multi-faith, multilingual service that pairs graduate students with trained professionals via telephone. Not happy with the counsellor you are matched with? Contact Empower Me to request a new counsellor based on individual preferences and needs.
      • To access Empower Me, call 1-833-628-5589.
      • Learn more about Empower Me HERE.
  • Muslim Prayer Room: University Community Centre, Room 38A, Western University
  • Toolkit on Islamophobia By and For Muslim Women
  • Know Your Rights: A Guide for Muslim Post-Secondary Students
  • MRCSSI – Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration

Resources and Actions for Allies

To learn more about Islamophobia in Canada: 

  • Learn about Muslim students’ experiences in Canada HERE
  • Read a  “Gendering Islamophobia, racism and White supremacy: Gendered violence against those who look Muslim” HERE.
  • Learn how to intervene responsibly as an ally HERE.
  • Support the London Muslim Mosque financially, if you’re able HERE

Read the statement of support and solidarity (PDF) HERE.

SOGS Support Message Regarding the Kamloops Residential School Confirmation of Unmarked Graves

With profound sadness, the Executives, Commissioners, and Staff at the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) at Western University offer condolences to the Indigenous families and communities impacted by the confirmation of an unmarked mass grave on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian Residential School. The children found were the future of the Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc First Nation as well as other First Nations.  The deaths of these children are a devastating loss for Indigenous families and communities across the lands currently referred to as British Columbia.  

We acknowledge the remains of the two hundred and fifteen Indigenous children found on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian Residential School represent the devastating but desired outcome of Canadian policy.  The Kamloops Indian Residential School was one of over 100 Indian Residential Schools in operation from the 1830’s until 1996.  The Indian Residential School system was designed to aggressively erase Indigenous identities and cultures, as well as sever connections to family, community and the land.  These historical acts of violence have irreparably disrupted Indigenous ways of being on these lands and continue to inequitably benefit colonial settlers to the ongoing detriment of Indigenous Peoples today. 

We support calls by First Nations communities for the immediate funding of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada Calls to Action Numbers 71-76 regarding missing children and burial information.  The offers of condolences and acknowledgement of the Kamloops Indian Residential School discovery by all levels of Canadian government must match action.  The uncomfortable truth revealed on Thursday May 27th, 2021 is not an isolated incident.  As articulated in the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Volume 4, Survivors confirm atrocities such as that at Kamloops Indian Residential School took place at many of the Indian Residential Schools.  Locating and identifying the missing children requires immediate action that must be led by the First Nation communities affected. 

We join Indigenous nations and communities in calling for the urgent implementation of the 94 Calls to Action put forth by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.  The historical and ongoing impacts and processes of colonization, including the Indian Residential School System, continue to discriminate, disadvantage and dispossess Indigenous Peoples.  Reconciliation is a process that requires immediate and sustained action and investment by all levels of Canadian government as well as Canadian citizens.  Canada’s response to the 2015 release of the TRC Calls to Action has been shamefully inadequate and fails to meaningfully address the legacy of Indian Residential Schools. 

We join calls from across the lands for the Canadian government to end its legal battle with Indian Residential School survivors and their families.  The $3.2 million spent on legal fees to withhold the truth from St. Anne’s residential school survivors and the Canadian public is one example where the federal government continues to actively diminish and impede reconciliation efforts. The Canadian federal government must immediately release all Indian Residential School documents (unredacted) so that truth and justice can be achieved in the process of reconciliation. 

We recognize SOGS has a distinct role to play in advancing reconciliation through Indigenous-specific advocacy and education efforts.  To advance reconciliation, we commit to immediately reviewing SOGS supports to ensure our supports appropriately match the needs of Indigenous graduate students at Western.  We further commit to an internal and ongoing review to examine how SOGS operations and policies can better align with and advance reconciliation efforts at Western and in the surrounding communities. 

As allies to Indigenous Peoples and key actors in reconciliation, we will continue to share relevant resources and opportunities for non-Indigenous graduate students to support responses to the Kamloops Indian Residential School tragedy and engage in ongoing reconciliation efforts. 

Resources to learn more about Indigenous Peoples, our Shared Histories and Reconciliation: 

List of SOGS, Western and Community resources for Indigenous students: 

  • Indigenous Elders:
  • Art Therapist Tisha Summers and Elder Myrna Kicknosway: 
  • SOGS Indigenous Commissioner: E. Victoria Bomberry,
  • ATLoHSA 24-hour Crisis Line: 1-800-605-7477 
  • National Indian Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419 
  • StudentCare Indigenous Bursary 

In solidarity,  SOGS Executives, Commissioners, and Staff

*read the PDF version HERE

April 2021 Newsletter

Image of pink lilies with text that reads: SOGS Update, April 2021

The SOGS Update is the official monthly electronic newsletter from the Society of Graduate Students. Stay in the loop about important deadlines, social events, member services, volunteer opportunities, academic support, professional development, advocacy initiatives, and more!

Read the newsletter and WIN! Answer our monthly trivia question for a chance to win 1 of 2 $10 Grad Club gift vouchers!  Email your answer to

Between editions of the newsletter, you’ll find updates sent to your WesternU inbox and on Facebook,  TwitterInstagram!

Congratulations to our March 2021 newsletter trivia winners: JEFF SOPARLO and XIAOYUN HUANG! You’ve both won the MARCH 2021 newsletter trivia!

****Come to the SOGS office (MC room 8) to pick up your $10 Grad Club gift card when it is safe to do so.