The following provides a brief summary of the recent Council meeting on July 27. The complete Council package, which includes the agenda and reports, can be accessed online. Full minutes of the July Council meeting will be available in the August 2017 Council package.
This summary is provided to increase transparency, and to support Councillors in completing their obligations under Bylaw 2.3.5; “shall regularly communicate with his or her constituents concerning the activities, programs, and decisions of the Society”.
If you have any questions, please contact our office or the Speaker.
You may jump to the relevant section:
- Thank you to Ruban Chelladurai, Associate VP (Planning, Budgeting & IT), for taking the time to address our Councillors.
- Congratulations to Adam Roy on their election to the role of Ombudsperson, and thank you to all of our enthusiastic candidates for the position.
Upcoming dates of importance
- Sept 12-15: Orientation
- October 2-6: Wellness Week
Motion decisions
Reminder: Motions generally include several clauses providing the background or justification of a motion followed by one or several resolutions. The resolutions are the specific actions being proposed. For brevity, resolutions use the initialisms BIRT (be it resolved that) and BIFRT (be it further resolved that).
Motions arising from the President/Executive
Motion 1 (VP Finance)
BIRT the draft Fiscal 2017 Audited SOGS and GC Financial Statements be approved.
Motion 2 (VP Finance)
Motion 3 (VP Student Services)
Whereas Ruban Chelladurai, Associate VP (Planning, Budgeting & IT), requests that SOGS seek feedback from its membership regarding the implementation of the proposed Western Wellness Centre (WWC) Fee.
Whereas SOGS Council must vote to either approve going to Referendum for the implementation of this fee or to reject it going forward by the end of September.
BIRT SOGS Councillors solicit feedback from their departments and come prepared to vote on going or not going to Referendum regarding the Wellness Centre (WWC) at September’s Council.
Motion 4 (Executive)
BIRT the Council year align with the calendar year
Motion 5 (Executive)
BIRT departments have up to two months of Council counted as full attendance regardless of actual attendance so long as their department has sent at least one Councillor to one full meeting over the course of the year.
BIFRT departmental grant calculations be based on the highest attendance count values over the course of the year.
Motion 6 (Executive)
BIRT departmental grants be distributed twice per year
Motion 7 (Executive)
BIRT the SOGS Executive and Staff investigate the possibility of collecting Councillor nomination and proxy forms online.
BIFRT the SOGS Executive report back on this investigation by November Council.
Motion 8 (Executive)
BIRT an ad hoc committee be struck to review Council package and reporting processes as per the terms provided below.
Chair: Speaker
Membership -At least: one executive member, one staff member, and two members at large
Mandate: Review the Council package and reporting processes, including but not limited to topics such as: providing an Executive summary, providing a Council summary, publishing minutes, and changing the package format. Emphasis is to be placed on accessibility and member feedback.
BIFRT $200 be allocated from line 52 –Executive Events and Organizing to support this committee in their efforts to solicit input from Councillors and our wider membership
Motions arising from Other Committees
Motion 9 (Pride Commissioner)
Tabled motions
New business