August Council Summary

The following provides a brief summary of the recent Council meeting on August 30. The complete Council package, which includes the agenda and reports, can be accessed here. Full minutes of the meeting will be available in the September Council package.

This summary is provided to increase transparency, and to support Councillors in completing their obligations under Bylaw 2.3.5; “shall regularly communicate with his or her constituents concerning the activities, programs, and decisions of the Society”. If you have any questions, please contact our Communications Administrator ( or the Speaker (

The next Council meeting will be on September 27, 2018 at 6pm in MC 105B.

If you are interested in running for VP Advocacy for VP Student Services, submit your nomination statements to by September 18. If you have questions about these positions, contact the Executive.

GET EXCITED FOR SOGS Orientation (Sept 10-14)! Buy your tickets in the SOGS Office!
Graduate Peer Support (GPS) will launch weekly drop-in peer support starting Wednesday, September 19 from 2:30-4:00pm. Email if you have any questions.
Thesis Drop-in on Fridays in the SOGS Office (MC Room 8)!
Graduate Student Cookbook Contest! Submit to and post your recipe on social media by September 3 to win!
Summer Graduate Student Teaching Award Nomination period is open! Nominate here.
Annual International Graduate Student Household Drive – accepting donations until Aug 31. The department with the most donations will win a Night at the Grad Club ($200 Grad Club certificate).
Please help SOGS complete our Department Graduate Student Association/Council list.
Fifth Annual BUG DAY at the Children’s Museum on September 8.
GradCast will be having a recruitment event on October 5.

SOGS Orientation (September 10-14)
Graduate Wellness Week (Oct 1-6)

Empower Me:
Councillors are encouraged to still gather feedback from their members. The HPC will aim to collect more information and present it to Council and potentially look into having a public event where Studentcare can present on this program.
Graduate Wellness Week (Oct 1-6): The keynote for the Wellness Forum will be the new AVP Student Experience: Jennie Massey. The IGSIC bowling trip needed to be pushed back until the following week.
IGSIC will be presenting its INTL Satisfaction Survey Summary in September.

Relevant Motions Passed:

Motion 11 (VP Student Services)
[see Appendix 4 for “Wellness Committee Proposal”]

Whereas graduate students in 2015 SGPS-run focus groups identified the need for grad-specific mental
health resources, greater recognition of student diversity, and informal systems, practices, and “safe spaces” to promote wellness that are not problematized or stigmatized, as well as the need for a formal, top-down cultural shift in graduate school;

Whereas the 2018 Western University’s Mental Health and Wellness Committee identified, among many
other factors, “Culture of Graduate Education” for distinguishing graduate student mental health from

Whereas recent studies show that graduate students are six times more likely to experience depression and anxiety compared to the general population;

Whereas SOGS needs a dedicated committee devoted to the visibility of graduate student mental health and wellness needs, as well as for the education of the greater Western community, in regards to devoting more resources to graduate students;

Whereas the SOGS VP Student Services has solely, for the last three years, overseen the portfolio of
graduate student mental health;

BIRT SOGS create a Wellness Committee within the portfolio of the VP Student Services in the next fiscal
(2019-2020) year pending the recommendation of the finance committee and the approval of the Wellness Committee funds in the 2019 AGM;

BIFRT the “Graduate Wellness Week” line item within the VP Student Services portfolio be renamed
“Graduate Wellness Committee” to reflect the change.

BIFRT the Finance Committee discuss and make a recommendation to Council in October for how to
proceed with the requested line item changes.

BIFRT should the Finance Committee’s recommendation meet with Council’s approval, that the creation of the Wellness Committee be included in the February 2019 AGM fiscal budget.

Motion 12VP Student Services and VP Advocacy

Whereas the election of the Vice Presidents to the Society’s executive should align with the completion of the major responsibilities of each portfolio;

Whereas the VP Student Services (in January 2015) and VP Advocacy (then External) (in April, 2016) election dates were altered (May to September) to better align with each portfolio’s projects;

Whereas the VPSS portfolio has altered significantly with the placement of the Graduate Orientation Handbook under the Communications Administrator, and the occurrence of Graduate Wellness Week during the first week of October;

Whereas the VP Advocacy portfolio should align with SOGS’ advocacy project preparation (eg. Pride Parade, Sexual Violence Awareness, Indigenous Awareness, etc) and the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS)’ conference dates;

BIRT the election of the VP Student Services and VP Advocacy occur at April Council, to take office May 1.

BIFRT the by-election for the VP Student Services and VP Advocacy be held in September, 2018.

August 2018: Newsletter

SOGS Update, the official monthly electronic newsletter from SOGS, keeps you up to date on issues and events affecting graduate students at Western University.

Between editions of the newsletter, you’ll find updates on Facebook,  Twitter, the IGSIC Facebook page and on our events calendar!



Family Picnic at Gibbons Park on Saturday, August 18, 2018. Bring your friends and family for a fun afternoon at the park. For those with small children, games will be provided by Western Recreation. Need to cool off? Bring your swimsuits so you can cool off at the splash pad nearby. Buy your $5 tickets at the SOGS office, Middlesex College, Room 8. Your choice of main: veggie burger, beef burger, beef hotdog. SOGS will be set up at PICNIC SPOT #3 (see map below). More information about Gibbons Park here.

Gibbons park map:


yoga on UC Hill. Bring your own mat, towel, and water on August 14. Free event for all.


Have a thesis you need to finish? Don’t stay home and procrastinate. Seriously. Don’t. We know it’s hard; we’ve been there (or are still are there,  finishing grad school…while working/volunteering at SOGS).

Come to the SOGS office every Friday and work in our spacious multipurpose room. Bring your own lunch, or eat at the Grad Club: it’s up to you! August dissertation drop-in dates: 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st.

SOGS: No pressure, just support. #GetErDone


Board Game night: August 15th.


Events in London:

If you can’t beat the heat, get comfy outside watching movies FOR FREE at Victoria Park. BYOB chairs, snacks, and refreshments.



Wortley Village Jazz & Blues Festival: August 19, 2018

NEW in 2018 – 10 live bands featuring local musicians!
Over 4 hours of non-stop entertainment!
NOW 5 Stages including one on the Green!
FREE! Your donations make next year happen!
Bring a lawn chair. Hope for sun! Expect to be entertained!

More information about the bands playing, visit here.



SILENCED MEMORIES – A Thesis Project Exhibition, Ulises Unda
Reception: Thursday, August 9 / 7-9PM
Satellite Project Space (121 Dundas St)

In this exhibition, former refugees, massacre survivors, and their younger relatives tell us about their wartime experiences of violent repression, massacres, and forced exile by the US-backed Salvadoran military. More information here.




Want to work at SOGS and contribute to the quality of life of your peers at Western? Run for Vice-President Student Services. Position held October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. This is a compensated position.

Portfolio of VP Student Services includes, but is not limited to: overseeing the SOGS Health Plan, International Graduate Student Issues, and Orientation and Social committees; contributing to graduate student life by planning fall orientation events; work with VP Advocacy to run Graduate Student Wellness week in October; meet with Western stakeholders to improve graduate student services; and attend monthly council and delivering reports about the VP Student Services position.

To know more about the specifics of the VP Student Services position, please refer to the SOGS Constitution and Bylaws document (p. 20-22). Have questions? Feel free to contact our current VPSS, Madison Bettle (, or the SOGS President, Mary Blake Bonn ( Submit your candidate statement to the SOGS council Speaker, Lola Wong ( by September 18th.


Want to work at SOGS and advocate for your peers at Western? Run for Vice-President Advocacy. Position held October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. This is a compensated position.

Portfolio of VP Advocacy includes, but is not limited to: working with and overseeing the SOGS Equity, Sustainability, Graduate Student Issues, and Graduate Peer Support committees; contributing to graduate student life by planning Graduate Student Wellness week in October with VP Student Services, as well as overseeing SOGS weekly Graduate Peer Support drop–in; and attending monthly council and delivering reports about the VP Advocacy position.

To know more about the specifics of the VP Advocacy position, please refer to the SOGS Constitution and Bylaws document (p. 20-22). Have questions? Feel free to contact our current VP Advocacy, Vanessa Lilly (, or the SOGS President, Mary Blake Bonn ( Submit your candidate statement to the SOGS council Speaker, Lola Wong ( by September 18th.


Call for SOGS committee members & volunteers:


Need to de-clutter your home? Don’t throw away perfectly good household items or give them to for-profit stores like Value Village; instead, bring them to the SOGS office (Middlesex College, room 8) during the month of August and help incoming international graduate students set up their new homes with your gently used, unwanted stuff. The department that donates the most individual items to the drive wins a $200 gift card to the Grad Club (that’s a lot of beer and nachos!). 

Items that could be donated: clean linens, pillows, towels (*no stains*) / small kitchen appliances like toasters, coffeemakers, blenders, etc., / lamps / small decorative items / glassware, bakeware, dishes, utensils / winter clothes / children’s toys / office gear /  vacuums / and much more… (Please do not bring large furniture to the office – students have to be able to easily transport your donated goods.)


It’s finally here! Our Society of Graduate Students at Western University Graduate Student Cookbook contest: “Living on a Tight Budget”–in partnership with Western Libraries – Western University,Wellness Education Centre – Western University,Western Dietitian Services, and SGPS–will run until an extended date of August 31.

Submit your recipe (& photo and/or video) to to be included in the Scholarship @ Western Cookbook set to launch during Graduate Wellness Week (Oct 1-6). POST your recipe (+ photo & video – yes, of you making the recipe!) on the GPS page for a chance to win a $100 Grocery Gift card. The post with the highest number of shares/likes will win the gift card!



Travel subsidy form / Professional Placement subsidy form + Letter for placement template form / Childcare subsidy form

SOGS Services


Want to nominate a TA that is amazing? Now’s your chance. Undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff may nominate a Graduate Teaching Assistant. Winners will be notified in the spring 2019 term, with a fancy award ceremony and luncheon to follow. Vote for your favourite GTA here. More information about the GSTA awards here. VOTE UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15, 2018.


Initiatives on Campus:

Looking to add value to your graduate degree and to your research? Join Western’s cohort of Graduate Student Innovation Scholars! Receive a participation award of $1,500. Apply your discipline-specific knowledge and develop expertise in entrepreneurship, commercialization and knowledge transfer with hands-on training. Apply your knowledge. Apply today.

What you bring: Current Western graduate student / Evidence of teamwork, creative thinking and presentation skills / Any translational research, commercialization or entrepreneurship experience

What we offer : A $1,500 award, one term of training and a certificate of completion / Expertise in commercialization, entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer / Training for up to three teams of three

How to apply:  Submit your CV, a 200-250-word statement of interest and a cover letter / Supervisor’s sign-off / Submit your application to

Applications can be submitted now and are due by midnight on Sunday, August 12, 2018.

The program is expected to start the week of September 11, 2018. More information here.




UPCOMING EVENTS: 2018-19 Fall Orientation/2018 Wellness Week

Want to be extra prepared for Fall 2018 Orientation? Review the new SOGS 2018-19 handbook HERE.

Schedule breakdown:

September 10:
Family BBQ (5:00-7:00pm @ the Grad Club). $5 for adults and free for children under 12. Includes: hamburger/hot dog (veggie option), fries, veggies, games, and prizes! Tickets will go on sale in August.

Stitch & Bitch (7pm @ the Grad Club). FREE. Come out and craft with us! Refreshments provided.

September 11:
International Grad Meet & Greet (3:00-5:00pm @ the Grad Club). FREE. Register HERE. Refreshments provided. Prizes to be won!

Trivia Night (7:30pm @ the Grad Club). FREE! Prizes to be won.

September 12:
Welcome to YOUR Grad Club (3:00-6:00pm @ the Grad Club). FREE. Grad Student Associations/Councils (President, Chair, Rep) sign up HERE. Refreshments provided; games and prizes to be won!

Board Game Night (7:00pm @ the Grad Club). FREE. Appetizers, drink special, and games galore!

September 13:
Amazing Race: SOGS Edition 
(1:30-3:30pm starting @ the Grad Club). FREE. Register HERE. Winning teams: 1) $200 Grad Club certificate 2) $150 Grad Club certificate 3) $100 Grad Club certificate. ALL participants (except winners) receive $5 Grad Club certificate.

IGSIC Goes to Global Cafe (3:00-5:00pm in the IGAB Atrium). FREE. The International Graduate Student Issues Committee (IGSIC) attends and sponsors the IESC’s Global Cafe as a way to welcome and connect with incoming and returning international graduate students. Trivia Contest to win prizes!

Know Your Union (PSAC 610(5:00-7:00-pm @ the Grad Club). FREE. Come out and enjoy appetizers and refreshments so you can get to know your Graduate Student Union!

Bonfire Night (8:00pm @ the Grad Club). $5. Ticket includes moving screening (Shrek), popcorn, s’more making, hot dog, and corn on the cob. Prizes to be won! Tickets will go on sale in August.

September 14:
Indigenous Graduate Student Meet & Greet (12:30-3:00pm). FREE. Lunch at Indigenous Services to welcome you to the space and then a Tour of the SOGS Office (Middlesex College, Room 8) and the Grad Club! Register here.

SOGS 50th Anniversary Party (8:30pm @ the Grad Club). $5. Ticket includes pub food, drink ticket, and prizes! Tickets will go on sale in August.



July trivia winners: Ben Corrigan / Marina Lazarakos / Kyra Simone

Pick up your prize (GC voucher) at the SOGS office!

August trivia question: What elections will take place at September council? (Email your answer to


July Council Summary

The following provides a brief summary of the recent Council meeting on June 28. The complete Council package, which includes the agenda and reports, can be accessed here. Full minutes of the meeting will be available in the August Council package.

This summary is provided to increase transparency, and to support Councillors in completing their obligations under Bylaw 2.3.5; “shall regularly communicate with his or her constituents concerning the activities, programs, and decisions of the Society”. If you have any questions, please contact our Communications Administrator ( or the Speaker (


The next Council meeting will be on August 30, 2018 at 6pm on the Grad Club patio.
SOGS is going to Wonderland on July 28! There are still tickets left in the SOGS Office (MC 8). TOMORROW (Friday, July 27) is the last day to purchase them. Hurry!
March with SOGS and PSAC 610 in the London Pride Parade on Sunday, July 29!
Thesis Completion Fund applications due to the SOGS Office (MC 8) by July 31 @ 4pm.
Please help SOGS complete our Department Graduate Student Association/Council list.
Graduate Student Cookbook Contest! Submit to and post your recipe on social media by August 31 to win!
Need SOGS to attend your September Department Orientations? Contact
Please share this SOGS Council Summary with your members via email and/or social media.

SOGS goes to Wonderland (July 28)
March with SOGS and PSAC 610 in the London Pride Parade! (July 29)
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream/Tie-Dye (Aug 2)
Yoga on UC Hill (August 14)
August Board Game Night (August 15)
Family Picnic (August 18)
SOGS Orientation (September 10-15) is planned!
Graduate Wellness Week (Oct 1-6)

Empower Me:
Graduate Wellness Week (Oct 1-6): “Living on a Tight Budget”: Graduate Student Cookbook contest deadline extended until August 31 to
SOGS Orientation (Sept 10-14): join the Facebook Event page and SHARE WIDELY.
Graduate Peer Support (GPS) will launch weekly drop-in peer support starting Wednesday, September 19 from 2:30-4:00pm.
Looking for department-specific graduate student upstander training? Contact Melanie Stone (, our Women’s Concerns Commissioner who recently ran upstander training for 20 graduate students. Stay tuned for Sexual Violence Awareness Week in October and a “Times Up” event.
Are you a graduate student parent? Contact Melanie Stone ( to get involved with our Graduate Student Parent Advocacy Group!
The Equity Committee will be launching its Annual International Graduate Student Household Drive the week after Orientation.
The Sustainability Committee is looking for new members:


Ombudsperson: Adam Roy (returning Ombudsperson acclaimed)

Relevant Motions Passed:


Whereas a motion was passed in 2016 to start the Council year in September;
Whereas the implementation of this change was delayed because of difficulties in communication;
BIRT as of September, 2018, the Council year continue to begin in October.

Health Plan Committee (“Empower Me“)

Whereas the HPC has begun its research for the 2019-2021 SOGS Health & Dental Plan tendering process;
Whereas the HPC has been presented with a new program “Empower Me” that would provide supplementary services to the SOGS Health & Dental Plan at an additional cost of $4.20 (plus tax) per student;
Whereas the HPC desires to solicit formal feedback from SOGS Councillors regarding the potential implementation of this program;
BIRT Councillors distribute the “Empower Me” document to their constituents with the intention of collecting feedback on the program;
BIFRT Councillors bring constituent feedback on “Empower Me” to August Council.


July 2018: Newsletter

SOGS Update, the official monthly electronic newsletter from SOGS, keeps you up to date on issues and events affecting graduate students at Western University.

Between editions of the newsletter, you’ll find updates on Facebook,  Twitter, the IGSIC Facebook page and on our events calendar!



Free goddess yoga for everyone! July 5, 8:30AM-9:10AM @ Innovation Works London (201 King Street)

Thesis Writing Time July 6, 13, 20, 27 @ The SOGS office/ 10AM – 3:45PM











yoga on UC Hill July 10 @ 7PM

SOGS goes to CANADA’S WONDERLAND! Saturday, July 28












BOARD GAME NIGHT – 7PM / July 18 @ The Grad Club











Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream & Tie Dye – July 24 @ The Grad Club











LONDON PRIDE PARADE – July 29. Come out and support London’s LGBTQIA+ community.

Wear purple, be PROUD. Snap a pic, tag #westernupride and show your pride!

Beginning July 3 until July 29, Western’s Pride banner will be travelling across campus. Schedule: Grad Club (July 9 – 13) / UCC (July 16 – 23) 


LIVING ON A TIGHT BUDGET – Graduate Student Cookbook


























Members interested in running for SOGS ombudsperson have until the July Council package report deadline (July 17th) to nominate themselves. Candidates running for Ombudsperson should send their nomination to the Speaker ( Candidate statements will be published in the July Council package. The election will be held at July Council (Thursday, June 26, 2018).

From the SOGS Pride Commissioner:

London’s Pride Festival will be from July 19-29! We will be attending events throughout the week, if you are interested in joining us please email and we will make sure you are on the mailing list. We are also looking for individuals interested in presenting their research on topics related to LGBTQIA+ community at the Pride Festival. If you are interested please email

From SOGS Accounting Manager:

SOGS is proud to announce that $421,608.00 was awarded in Bursaries and Subsidies for the 2017-18 academic year:

  • $6,000 awarded in 125th Anniversary Scholarships
  • $9,600 awarded for Child Care Subsidies
  • $66,508 awarded for Travel and Placement Subsidies
  • $14,000 awarded for Graduate Student Teaching Awards
  • $325,500 awarded in Bursaries

The Summer OSOTF & OOP Bursaries have been Awarded!  A total of $108,000 was awarded to 72 of our Members!  Congratulations to the Winners!




Thesis Completion Fund:

The Thesis Completion Fund is a collaborative, one-time awards program between SOGS and Public Service Alliance of Canada Local 610 (PSAC 610) to help members of the Society of Graduate Students.

Based on academic merit and research excellence, and financial need, its aim is to provide assistance to graduate students beyond the end of their funding packages.

SOGS and PSAC 610 advocate for proper funding according to the needs of each graduate students.

The application (please print one-sided only to help with distribution during adjudication) is due in paper form no later than July 31, 2018 at 4 pm to The Society of Graduate Students, Middlesex College, Room 8, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B7.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail SOGS VP Academic, Jina Kum, at

Please note that award will be adjudicated by a committee comprised of SOGS members, whom have signed the Confidentiality Agreement to protect applicant’s confidentiality and privacy. SOGS confidentiality agreement document (PDF)



VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE 2018 SOGS ORIENTATION IN SEPTEMBER! To sign-up to be a volunteer, please email

SOGS International Graduate Student Orientation: Volunteers needed! September 11

Call for SOGS committee members & volunteers:


SOGS Services



Western is moving to a smoke-free campus in a three-step process:

1.  Now – more clear air around campus – no smoking within 10 metres of buildings;
2.  July 1, 2018 – smoking will be allowed in designated areas only;
3.  July 1, 2019 – smoke-free campus.

Western’s smoking policy is meant to protect people from second-hand smoke, and create a healthier, cleaner campus for those who live, study, work and visit here.  A move to a smoke-free campus will offer challenges to some members of our community but the health and wellbeing of our community will improve as we go smoke-free. For smokers who wish to quit, help is available. Information about smoking cessation support.


Parking and construction: Find information about parking issues resulting from summer construction here.



  • SOGS June trivia contest winners. Pick up your prize (GC voucher) at the SOGS office.
    • Gargi Jaju
    • Chantal Lemire
    • Chandell Gosse
  • Trivia question for July: 


June Council Summary

The following provides a brief summary of the recent Council meeting on June 28. The complete Council package, which includes the agenda and reports, can be accessed here. Full minutes of the meeting will be available in the July Council package.

This summary is provided to increase transparency, and to support Councillors in completing their obligations under Bylaw 2.3.5; “shall regularly communicate with his or her constituents concerning the activities, programs, and decisions of the Society”. If you have any questions, please contact our Communications Administrator ( or the Speaker (


The next Council meeting will be on July 26, 2018 at 6pm on the Grad Club patio.
Need SOGS to attend your September Department Orientations? Contact
Please help SOGS complete our Department Graduate Student Association/Council list.
Graduate Student Cookbook Contest! Submit to and post your recipe on social media to win!
Please share this SOGS Council Summary with your members via email and/or social media.


Yoga on UC Hill (June 12, July 10, August 14)
LGBTQIA+ Discussion Group (July 11): Engaging with Pride through History (2:00-3:00pm).
Out in the Sun with the Western Community (July 16): Pride Flag raising ceremony and free ice cream!
Indigenous Graduate Student Lunch and Meet & Greet (July 17): Stay tuned for event link!
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream/Tie-Dye (July 24)
SOGS goes to Wonderland (July 28)
See the SOGS Pride page for July Pride Events from our Pride Commissioner and at Western University.
SOGS Orientation (September 10-15) is planned! Please share this information with your members.
Graduate Wellness Week (Oct 1-6) is planned! Stay tuned for the formal calendar in July.

SOGS Orientation is around the corner! Join the Facebook Event page and SHARE WIDELY.
PSAC 610 UHIP Assistance Fund (July 3) – all international students can apply to this!
Thesis Completion Fund Application due July 31, 2018 at 4pm to the SOGS Office (MC, Room 8).
We’re looking for anyone doing research on LGBTQIA+ to share their research at the Pride Parade in July! Contact
Looking for department-specific graduate student upstander training? Contact Melanie Stone (, our Women’s Concerns Commissioner who recently ran upstander training for 20 graduate students. Stay tuned for Sexual Violence Awareness Week in October and a “Times Up” event.
Are you a graduate student parent? Contact Melanie Stone ( to get involved with our Graduate Student Parent Advocacy Group!
Equity Committee will be launching its Annual International Graduate Student Household Drive.
Graduate Peer Support (GPS) will launch weekly drop-in peer support starting Wednesday, September 19.
Graduate Wellness Week (Oct 1-6) is planned! Keep an eye on social media for the event page. See last year’s line up if you’re interested! Informal calendar here.
We’re looking for anyone doing research on LGBTQIA+ to share their research at the Pride Parade in July! Contact
Health Plan Committee: 2017-2018 Survey Results. Please share the Empower Me document with your departments.
Campus Rec Survey Results (15-16): in summation: we’re going to be partnering with Campus Rec more!
Athletics Rep working on putting together a roundtable on graduate student use of SRS (Campus Rec).


VP Academic – Jina Kum (re-elected)
Speaker – Lola Wong, previous interim Communications Administrator (newly elected)

Relevant Motions

Whereas the GSTA Committee received over 1000 nominations during the 2017-2018 academic year.
BIRT the motion “all nominees for TA awards receive a certificate that can be added to a teaching Dossier; all nominees for TA Awards receive a copy of anonymized comments pending release by their nominees” passed at Council in January 2016 be amended to read “all nominees for GSTA awards receive a certificate [upon request within 1 year of when feedback was returned] that can be added to a teaching Dossier if nominations are legitimate; all nominees for GSTA Awards receive a copy of comments (anonymized where necessary) pending release by their nominees [via automated e-mail].”

Passed unanimously.

Whereas the 125th Anniversary Scholarship has a deadline on March 30th.
Whereas the 125th Anniversary Scholarship deadline is placed in silo, and does not fit well with the academic terms and other deadlines (ex. Subsidies and Bursaries Application deadline)
BIRT that the official deadline for the 125th Anniversary Scholarship be changed to April 30th.

Passed unanimously.

June 2018: Newsletter

SOGS Update, the official monthly electronic newsletter from SOGS, keeps you up to date on issues and events affecting graduate students at Western University.

Between editions of the newsletter, you’ll find updates on Facebook,  Twitter, the IGSIC Facebook page and on our events calendar!








CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: SOGS Speaker and SOGS VP Academic positions up for election

Members interested in running for SOGS Speaker or VP Academic have until the June Council package report deadline (June 19th) to nominate themselves. Candidates running for VP Academic should send their nomination to the Speaker ( and candidates running for Speaker should send their nomination to the Executive ( Candidate statements will be published in the June Council package. Elections will be held at June Council (Thursday, June 28, 2018).


From SOGS Accounting:

– SOGS awarded over $31,000 Winter term subsidies. Congratulations to all the winners!

  • 125th Scholarship         $6,000
  • Child Care Subsidies   $3.600
  • Placement Subsidies   $1,104
  • Travel Subsidies          $20,895.06


– Summer Subsidies deadline is August 31, 2018. Forms can be found in the SOGS office (MC 8) or online.


From SOGS Women’s Concerns Commissioner

  • Upstander Training Opportunity: Interested in receiving Upstander sexual violence intervention training? We are offering a free opportunity for 20 Graduate Students in June.
  • Parent Advocacy Group Meeting: Calling all graduate student parents! We’re starting a parent advocacy group to address issues facing graduate parents on campus.

Find out more at


From SOGS Pride Commissioner:

  • Be sure to come out to the following LGBTQIA+ Graduate Student events on campus in June:
    LGBTQIA+ Discussion Group: Wednesday, June 13th from 2-3, SOGS Office, MC 8. The topic will be Heteronormativity & Cissexism. Donuts and coffee will be provided!
    LGBTQIA+ Social Event: Join us for our monthly social in the Grad Club from 6:30 pm onwards!
  • London’s Pride Festival will be from July 19-29! We will be attending events throughout the week, if you are interested in joining us please email and we will make sure you are on the mailing list. We are also looking for individuals interested in presenting their research on topics related to LGBTQIA+ community at the Pride Festival. If you are interested please email

Find out more at


From SOGS Accessibility Commissioner, Martin Ross:

Commissioner Ross has been investigating SSD accommodations in graduate course syllabi and taken steps to ensure a section for SSD accommodations be implemented in the graduate course outline document.

Find out more at







  • PSAC 610 UHIP Assistance Fund: If you are a TA that paid UHIP fees for the 2017/2018 academic year, don’t forget to apply for the UHIP Assistance Fund. Applications due by July 3rd.
  • Rise and shine with a Grad Club breakfast for only $5!




  • SOGS trivia contest winners
    • Ben Corrigan
    • Christina Chung
    • Aviva Blacher
  • Trivia question for May: 
    • What mythical creature can be found sitting at the reception desk of the SOGS Administrative Assistant?


Email for more information or to submit newsletter content.


May Council Summary

The following provides a brief summary of the recent Council meeting on May 31. The complete Council package, which includes the agenda and reports, can be accessed here. Full minutes of the meeting will be available in the  June Council package.

This summary is provided to increase transparency, and to support Councillors in completing their obligations under Bylaw 2.3.5; “shall regularly communicate with his or her constituents concerning the activities, programs, and decisions of the Society”. If you have any questions, please contact our Communications Administrator ( or the Speaker (


The next Council meeting will be on June 28, 2018 at 6pm on the Grad Club patio.

Need SOGS to attend your September Department Orientations? Contact

SOGS June Elections! If you’re interested in running for VP Academic, please send your nomination to If you’re interested in running for SOGS Speaker, please send your nomination to For more information, see here.

Please help SOGS complete our Department Graduate Student Association/Council list.

Please ensure that you share this SOGS Council Summary with your members via email and/or social media.


Yoga on UC Hill (June 12, July 10, August 14)
Thesis Monthly Writing – SGPS & SOGS (June 1, June 8, June 15, June 22, June 29)
SOGS goes to Grand Bend! (June 23)
Please keep an eye on the SOGS Pride page for June Pride Events from our Pride Commissioner.
SOGS Orientation (September 10-14) is planned! Please share this information with your members.


Don’t forget to vote! For more information, check out Elections Ontario.
Thesis Completion Fund Application due July 31, 2018 at 4pm to the SOGS Office (Middlesex College, Room 8).
Congratulations to the SOGS GSTA 2017-2018 Winners!
Academic Joint Fund has started its new fiscal year!
Women’s Concerns Commissioner will be releasing Graduate Upstander Training and Parenting Advocacy group.
Equity Committee will be launching its Annual International Graduate Student Household Drive.
Graduate Peer Support (GPS) will be launching drop-in peer support.
Western and SOGS are aiming to make The Grad Club “zero-waste” by 2050.
Graduate Wellness Week is almost done! If you have ideas of what you’d like to see, contact
Happy #AccessAbility Week! Language on grad student accommodations on grad syllabi to come in September. Contact
We’re looking for anyone doing research on LGBTQIA+ to share their research at the Pride Parade in July! Contact


SOGS Athletics Representative – Tomas Fabian

Motions Passed

Motions arising from the President/Executive


Whereas graduate students pay fees that support sports and recreation at Western;
Whereas the Director of Sport and Recreation Services has expressed interest in increasing collaboration with graduate students;
Whereas communication between SOGS and SRS has proven difficult;
BIRT SOGS elect an Athletic Representative to serve on a 5-month trial basis from June 1, 2018 through October 31, 2018.
BIFRT the Athletics Representative act in a volunteer capacity as a lision between SRS and SOGS;
BIFRT the Athletics Representative provide monthly reports to Council, either in person or in voting.

Passed unanimously.

Whereas the following bylaw changes have been mutually agreed upon by the President of the Society and
the Bylaws and Constitution Committee;
Whereas these changes reflect and clarify the duties of the President of the Society;
BIRT bylaw be amended to read: shall maintain organizational documents that reflect the mandate, operations, and needs of the
Society, and shall update them annually
BIRFT bylaw be revised to read: shall represent the Society as necessary (or designate an appropriate representative) at meetings of campus organizations (including, by not limited to, the University Student’s
Council, The MBA Association, the PSAC 610, the UWO Faculty Association and the UWO Staff
Association). at meetings with University Administrators in any external context, including media and government relations.

Passed unanimously.

VP Finance

Whereas the previous [travel] subsidy form made it difficult for students who were travelling during the
conference deadline.
BIRT Students apply for the travel subsidy in the term of their last day of travel.

Passed unanimously.

Whereas the previous [childcare] form hasn’t asked members to declare other forms of childcare subsidies
BIRT the new form includes a line that asks if members have applied for other childcare subsidies and where
they have applied.

Passed unanimously.

Whereas the travel subsidy form is unclear;
BIRT we include a line on the form that says that preference will be given conference presenters.

Passed unanimously.


SOGS Update, the official monthly electronic newsletter from SOGS, keeps you up to date on issues and events affecting graduate students at Western University.

Between editions of the newsletter, you’ll find updates on Facebook,  Twitter, the IGSIC Facebook page and on our events calendar!








  • SOGS trivia contest winners
    • Juweiriya Ahmed
    • Khadija Ahmed
    • Natalie Hon Man Au
  • Trivia question for May: 
    • What SOGS group is hosting three events this month and what are the events?

Email for more information or to submit newsletter content.

April Council Summary

The following provides a brief summary of the recent Council meeting on April 26. The complete Council package, which includes the agenda and reports, can be accessed here. Full minutes of the meeting will be available in the April 2018 Council package.

This summary is provided to increase transparency, and to support Councillors in completing their obligations under Bylaw 2.3.5; “shall regularly communicate with his or her constituents concerning the activities, programs, and decisions of the Society”.

If you have any questions, please contact our Communications Administrator ( or the Speaker (


The next Council meeting will be on May 31 at 6pm on the Grad Club patio. We are trying to make this a tradition!

Reminder about Karaoke Night happening tomorrow at the Grad Club:

SOGS LGBTQIA+ Board Game Night & Jazz (May 9)

Do not forget to vote in PSAC 610 voting sessions tomorrow, Friday, April 27 in AHB 1R40.


VP Academic: Jina Kum has been acclaimed as interim VP Academic (until June, when the election will need to be held again).

VP Finance: Laura Cabral has been acclaimed as VP Finance.


Breezing Through Graduate School (May 3)
Student Experience has offered to provide information to students on Learning Skills, Writing Support Centre, and Psychological Services. This is also an opportunity for students to ask questions regarding their navigation through graduate school.

SOGS LGBTQIA+ Board Game Night & Jazz (May 9)

LGBTQIA2S+ – Graduate Student Group (May 10 – June 14)

Stitch & Bitch @ the Grad Club (May 14)

Mindfulness for Graduate Students (May 15 – June 26)

SOGS Summer Orientation Board Game Night (May 16)

SOGS-IGSIC Summer Orientation – Global Cafe (May 17)

Executive Reports

  • VP Academic:
    • More than 900 TA nominations were received. The majority of the Academic Joint Fund has been used.
  • VP Advocacy:
    • Sustainability Committee needs more members!
    • Inclusive Washroom posters: if any washrooms are not properly posted, please contact Equity or
    • Parking Services: working on drafting another letter to address the increasing costs.
  • VP Finance
    • Meeting with Alumni Relations: the Grad Club is eligible for funds; if we name the Board Room, we could possibly receive $100,000.
    • Working on updating the coffee station in the Grad Club.
  • VP Student Services
    • Please ensure you tell your members that Fall Orientation will run from September 10 to September 15. Once details are finalized, graphics will be sent out.
    • Graduate Wellness Week is currently be finalized in partnership with all stakeholders and SOGS Committees.
    • Please subscribe to the Facebook Events page to stay up to date on the events that SOGS hosts throughout the year.
  • Accessibility Commissioner
    • Looking into SSD accommodations on graduate course syllabi; in contact with SGPS. They have responded by stating that it will be brought up at Senate. Working with Lorraine Davies to have this implemented by Fall term.

Passed Motions

All SOGS Committee Chairs were granted their $500 honourarium for their excellent work done over the past fiscal year.

BIRT Council ratifies the IGSIC policy document. (See Appendix 1 of the Council package).

BIRT SOGS sponsor this year’s Pride Parade in the amount of $1000 from the Commissioner line item to match Western University’s donation.

Please look to the next version of the Bylaws & Constitutions document in the coming month for changes.


This is a notice sent on behalf of SOGS Council Speaker:

This is a reminder that the positions of VP Academic and VP Finance are up for election this month at SOGS April Council meeting.

The position of VP Academic: 2 month term expiring in June 2018.

The position of VP Finance: 12 month term expiring in April 2019.

SOGS members in good standing wishing to nominate themselves must send their nomination (as well as an optional 1 page election poster/platform for inclusion in the SOGS Council mail-out) to the Speaker ( no later than April 17th at 11:59pm EDT.

Martin R. Lefebvre

SOGS Speaker

Please direct any questions to the Speaker, Martin Lefebvre,

For more information on the elections process, consider consulting the SOGS Constitution & Bylaws available at